Help: How to change me mobile phone number? I have lost my old mobile phone.

How to change me mobile phone number? I have lost my old mobile phone. I want to use my new mobile phone number.
How to change me mobile phone number? I have lost my old mobile phone. I want to use my new mobile phone number.
I believe you have to write to service desk for such issues
I believe you have to write to service desk for such issues
what is the service desk's email???
How to change me mobile phone number? I have lost my old mobile phone. I want to use my new mobile phone number.
You can change your mobile number in your profile.
You can change your mobile number in your profile.
but it need verification. I can not get the SMS sent to my old mobile phone.
but it need verification. I can not get the SMS sent to my old mobile phone.

What I see by dong this change is :

We need the confirmation that changes are made by the Profile owner. To confirm this, we will send an SMS codes to your new and old phone numbers.

So you will receive the SMS to the new one, where is the problem then ?

How to change me mobile phone number? I have lost my old mobile phone. I want to use my new mobile phone number.
Why did you change your number just because you lost your phone ?  get a new SIM with your old number . . .
Why did you change your number just because you lost your phone ?  get a new SIM with your old number . . .

What I see by dong this change is :

So you will receive the SMS to the new one, where is the problem then ?

MQL also need send SMS to the old one. How can I receive it? I have lost and cancelled the mobile phone.
get back your old phone number
get back your old phone number
I have cancelled it in the China Telecom.
 yes i think get back your old phone number