
I have an array of CButton and I want to handle an OnClick event on the right button index.
I try to use ON_INDEXED_EVENT 

this #define ON_INDEXED_EVENT is defined in <Includes/Controls/Defines>

it searches an array of controls but it returns handler(i) when as I understand is inside a bool OnEvent(const int id,const long& lparam,const double& dparam,const string& sparam) method
so it returns an object and not a bool type.

//| Macro of event handling map                                      |
#define INTERNAL_EVENT                           (-1)
//--- beginning of map
#define EVENT_MAP_BEGIN(class_name)              bool class_name::OnEvent(const int id,const long& lparam,const double& dparam,const string& sparam) {
//--- end of map
#define EVENT_MAP_END(parent_class_name)         return(parent_class_name::OnEvent(id,lparam,dparam,sparam)); }
//--- event handling by numeric ID
#define ON_EVENT(event,control,handler)          if(id==(event+CHARTEVENT_CUSTOM) && lparam==control.Id()) { handler(); return(true); }
//--- event handling by numeric ID by pointer of control
#define ON_EVENT_PTR(event,control,handler)      if(control!=NULL && id==(event+CHARTEVENT_CUSTOM) && lparam==control.Id()) { handler(); return(true); }
//--- event handling without ID analysis
#define ON_NO_ID_EVENT(event,handler)            if(id==(event+CHARTEVENT_CUSTOM)) { return(handler()); }
//--- event handling by row ID
#define ON_NAMED_EVENT(event,control,handler)    if(id==(event+CHARTEVENT_CUSTOM) && sparam==control.Name()) { handler(); return(true); }
//--- handling of indexed event
#define ON_INDEXED_EVENT(event,controls,handler) { int total=ArraySize(controls); for(int i=0;i<total;i++) if(id==(event+CHARTEVENT_CUSTOM) && lparam==controls[i].Id()) return(handler(i)); }
//--- handling of external event
#define ON_EXTERNAL_EVENT(event,handler)         if(id==(event+CHARTEVENT_CUSTOM)) { handler(lparam,dparam,sparam); return(true); }

 Anyone might have a clue where I'm getting it wrong will be appreciated.