Profiles Overwriting


I'm having an issue with my profiles overwriting one another. I created a EuroUSD profile and saved it. Then, Created a USDJPY profile and saved it separately. When I open my EURUSD profile, The USDJPY profile appears. I switched to a third profile, and back to the EURUSD and the USDJPY has overwritten the Euro profile.

 I changed the files in my EURUSD profile to read only. This solved the problem, however, I can no longer save new objects in the EURUSD profile, because of the ReadOnly setting. 


Any Ideas? 


I'm having an issue with my profiles overwriting one another. I created a EuroUSD profile and saved it. Then, Created a USDJPY profile and saved it separately. When I open my EURUSD profile, The USDJPY profile appears. I switched to a third profile, and back to the EURUSD and the USDJPY has overwritten the Euro profile.

 I changed the files in my EURUSD profile to read only. This solved the problem, however, I can no longer save new objects in the EURUSD profile, because of the ReadOnly setting. 


Any Ideas? 

You have to learn how to use the Profile. You don't have to save a profile it's done automatically. If you are using "Save as...", you are creating a new profile.