How to achieve a visual effect in the usual mode of the chart (outside the tester mode)


Hello guys,

I have question for connoisseurs of MT.

I wonder, how does the tester in visual mode. Let's say that the main period of the strategy is to 1 h, I set the best mode of testing the quality of the data. I run the tester, MT downloads 1 min data ( in ../tester directory), and the chart will begin to gradually render in time.

The tester has a max. 1 min data, therefore, I believe that some of the movements of the prices dopočítává. How, it is

I can't find out, but it doesn't bother me. 


Interests me this: 

 Can I open a new chart for the title "myABC" and here somehow to simulate the movement of prices over time? (the same efect as in the tester visual mode) 

 My basic idea:

1) I create a new *. hst file (for example: myABC. hst)
2) open a chart with myABC ticker
3) how to induce, to me the price would render gradually?

a) by gradually complement myABC file. hst data


b), or to create a complete file myABC. hst and somehow deal with the progressive reading data from a file rendering 


Speed I dealt with some parameter.

It's just a basic idea, I'll be glad if someone can advise how to do it go to thatoption. Respectively - If by anyone of you here to wrestle. 

Thank you for the response to things.