There is no SRC

Hi everyone. I trying to show my Code to solve a problem. the only option is attach with the brows bottom. cant find out or see Src bottom?????????? please help

I've had the same problem a few times now. I insert SRC in my post and it is there, then when I actually post it, the SRC has disappeared.

If I do another post, it is usually ok, but not if there is no additional text. If I try to add another post with just the SRC, it will fail. 

pieronetto: .I trying to show my Code to solve a problem. the only option is attach with the brows bottom. cant find out or see Src bottom
  1. Don't double post
  2. There are two scroll sections.
    Scroll outer one until SRC/toolbar is at the top of your browsers window and you'll see the insert button.
Test ..

@ GumRai

Just did on the latter one and it posts fine. I am using latest Mozilla Firefox, fyi.