I need a help in my EA


hi there,

My EA is simple I have an Indicator called 100 pip Daily Scalper designed by Karl Dittmann 

my EA works as :

1-entry sell position when the indicator alert sell

2-entry buy position when the indicator alert buy

3- exit sell position after take profit 10 pip

4- exit buy position after take profit 10 pip

5- all sell ,buy positions have stop loss 5 pip 

  1. I have an Indicator called 100 pip Daily Scalper designed by Karl Dittmann
  2. my EA works
  1. No you do not!
    Generated by EX4-TO-MQ4 decompiler V4.0.224.1 []
    Website: http://purebeam.biz
    E-mail : purebeam@gmail.com

    Ask the owner of the source code to give it to you.

    Decompiled code is stolen code. Either you are a thief, a fence, or the receiver of stolen (intellectual) property. Either way we will not be an accomplice after the fact to theft. See also https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/134317

    If you post decompiled code again, you will likely be banned.

  2. Then you have no problem!

hi guy,

choose an indicator which is not decompiled, this one would give the same result :

 AllTrendEnvelopes_v2 600+.mq4


hi there,

My EA is simple I have an Indicator called 100 pip Daily Scalper designed by Karl Dittmann 

my EA works as :

1-entry sell position when the indicator alert sell

2-entry buy position when the indicator alert buy

3- exit sell position after take profit 10 pip

4- exit buy position after take profit 10 pip

5- all sell ,buy positions have stop loss 5 pip 

Don't post decompiled code on this forum.