How to fix 3 digit for all "double data type" ?


How to set only 1 time for all variables of "double data type" ?

Thank you

sorasit46: How to set only 1 time for all variables of "double data type" ?
  1. Posting makes no sense. If you use a automated translation, you must use simple phrases.
  2. double d1;
    double d2 = 0.0; // OneTimeInitialization (constant)
    int init(){
      d1 = OneTimeInitialization(); // Calculated.


How to set only 1 time for all variables of "double data type" ?

Thank you

time would be considered a datetime variable

Did you mean "once" when you wrote "1 time" ?

But I still don't understand the question. 


time would be considered a datetime variable

Did you mean "once" when you wrote "1 time" ?

But I still don't understand the question. 


"1 time" mean "1 action or 1 command"



"1 time" mean "1 action or 1 command"

You mean . . . "How to fix 3 digit for all "double data type" ?"  where are you seeing more than 3 digits ?  doubles are inherently many digits due to the way they are stored.  If you want 3 digits when you Print() or Comment() you have to convert the output to 3 digits using something like DoubleToStr(double, 3)  if you want 3 digits shown for an Indicator then read this: IndicatorDigits