Can not get my orderclose() to initiate print. - page 2


Do you know we have a black list for people who post such reply without explaining what the solution is.

By the way, as you problem is not understandable, it's probably not a big deal.

I usually post an explanation when the issue has been explored more extensively, it would be odd for me to be black listed after not posting once, hopefully this isn't "that" kind of club. Simply put, I had one action masking another, and the action which was doing the masking was able to mask the other action because there was an issue in the logic of another chain of actions which I thought I had fixed earlier. I haven't shown any code and so further elaboration would be useless to anyone else.
I usually post an explanation when the issue has been explored more extensively, it would be odd for me to be black listed after not posting once, hopefully this isn't "that" kind of club. Simply put, I had one action masking another, and the action which was doing the masking was able to mask the other action because there was an issue in the logic of another chain of actions which I thought I had fixed earlier. I haven't shown any code and so further elaboration would be useless to anyone else.
I was only joking, this is why I add a