Read the last Line in the CSV file


Dear Community,

how can I get the value of the last line in the CSV file? I have tried to write this code, but it returns me not the correct value. I have found some older post in the forum, but they don’t help me.

Thank you very much!

   int file_handle2=FileOpen(InpDirectoryName+"//"+FileName,FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV);
      Print("Datetime: " + TimeToStr(FileReadDatetime(file_handle2),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES));
      //Print("Datetime: " +FileReadString(file_handle2,10));
      //--- close the file
  1. Your seek it to the end of the file not to the last line. Past the last line.
  2. You can NOT seek, because the file has variable length lines.
  3. Remember the last line read, read the next line. If it is empty, you've reached the end of file. The previous line WAS the last one.

Dear WHRoeder,

After a while loop I'm a line too far. How can I keep the line before? I thought maybe will this work, but it does not

Thank you!

      Print("Datetime: " + TimeToStr(FileReadDatetime(file_handle2),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES));

This does not work too and I do not know why.. Have I a error in reasoning?

   int file_handle2=FileOpen(InpDirectoryName+"//"+FileName,FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV);
      datetime MyTime=0;
         MyTime = FileReadDatetime(file_handle2); 
      Print("Datetime: " + TimeToStr(MyTime,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES));

This does not work too and I do not know why.. Have I a error in reasoning?

Maybe doing what WHRoeder wrote :

   int file_handle2=FileOpen(InpDirectoryName+"//"+FileName,FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV);
      datetime MyTime=0,Previous=0;
         Previous = MyTime;
         MyTime = FileReadDatetime(file_handle2); 
      Print("Datetime: " + TimeToStr(Previous,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES));

Thank you WHRoeder and angevoyageur,

Sorry it was my fault,

I have forgotten to write that my csv-file has the following format. And I want to read the last date and the last price in this example 03.03.2014 17:44 and 1.28333. I saw now that the problem is the second column, but i do not know how I can solve the problem.

I would be very grateful if you could help me

03.03.2014 17:42
03.03.2014 17:431.25777
03.03.2014 17:441.28333

(I have tried it, if my csv-file have only the first column, than the upper solution does work)

I thought maybe this will work, but it does not:

   int file_handle2=FileOpen(InpDirectoryName+"//"+FileName,FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV);
      datetime MyTime=0,Previous=0;
      double price = 0;
         MyTime = FileReadDatetime(file_handle2);
         price = FileReadDouble(file_handle2);
      Print("Datetime: " + TimeToStr(MyTime,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES));
      Print("Price: " + DoubleToStr(price));

why not use the same method angevoyageur have written here (use just a little of your head)

   int file_handle2=FileOpen(InpDirectoryName+"//"+FileName,FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV);
   datetime MyTime=0,PreviousTime=0;
   double price = 0, PreviousPrice=0;
         PreviousTime = MyTime;
         PreviousPrice = price;
         MyTime = FileReadDatetime(file_handle2);
         price = FileReadDouble(file_handle2);
      Print("Datetime: " + TimeToStr(PreviousTime,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES));
      Print("Price: " + DoubleToStr(PreviousPrice));

why not use the same method angevoyageur have written here (use just a little of your head)

Unfortunately, your suggestion does not work, because you can not use the FileReadDouble function with the csv-File
then use FileReadString and convert it using StringToTime and StringToDouble

After struggling with faile save csv-read I do with a csv-file:

        handle   = FileOpen(fName, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_READ | FILE_BIN);
        szFile   = (int)FileSize(handle);
        strFile  = FileReadString(handle, szFile);
        allLines = StringSplit(strFile,'\n',arrFile);
        int LineNo = 0;
        while (LineNo < allLines) { 
                maxTab  = StringSplit(arrFile[LineNo],'\t',arrTab);