How to get the Turtle-system in Excel?



I tried to convert a MQ4 file to an Excel file manually.

So I search the codes in the in the Turtle Trading indicator and this are the results:

Go Long:

if(((CLOSE > rhigh && i > 0) || (HIGH > rhigh && StrictEntry == true)) && LongInfo[i] == OUT_OF_MARKET)

Go Short:

if(((CLOSE < rlow && i > 0) || (LOW < rlow && StrictEntry == true)) && ShortInfo[i] == OUT_OF_MARKET)

Stop Long:

if(((CLOSE < slow && i > 0) && (CLOSE > long_price || Greedy== false)) ||

(LOW < slow && StrictExit == true && (LOW > long_price || Greedy == false)) &&

LongInfo[i] == IN_THE_MARKET)

Stop Short:

if(((CLOSE > shigh && i > 0) && (CLOSE < short_price || Greedy == false)) ||

(HIGH > shigh && StrictExit == true && (HIGH < short_price || Greedy == false)) &&

ShortInfo[i] == IN_THE_MARKET)

The formula for excel (Go Long) should be: =ALS(EN(CLOSE>rlow;LOW>rlow);CLOSE;0)

... I want to calculate the Close Value, so if the formula is 'true' I want to see the Close value of it.

But it didn't work.

The system is attached as a zip/excel.

Best Regards,
