Cannot find 'experts' folder



Until now I have been using MT4 on my windows xp desktop machine.

For traveling purposes I bought a notebook with windows 8 and installed MT4 in it.

When I decided to copy my scripts from the windows xp machine and past them into the notebook, I noticed that I couldn't do it because I could not locate the 'experts' folder.

Is there anyone who knows what is the problem and has any advice on the matter?



Until now I have been using MT4 on my windows xp desktop machine.

For traveling purposes I bought a notebook with windows 8 and installed MT4 in it.

When I decided to copy my scripts from the windows xp machine and past them into the notebook, I noticed that I couldn't do it because I could not locate the 'experts' folder.

Is there anyone who knows what is the problem and has any advice on the matter?

In MT4 build 600 + click File > Open Data Folder then double click MQL4 then you will see the correct Experts, Indicators and Scripts folders.
Double click on MQL4 as seen in your image.

Made it!

Thanks RaptorUK!

I already tried to past my scripts under the 'Scripts' folder of the 'MQL4' folder as seen in my image, but it did not work, maybe because I have more than one account in my notebook.

The data folder path I opened suggested by RaptorUK belongs to the user that is using MT4 in that moment.

Double click on MQL4 as seen in your image.
Not. It's probably not the right folder if this user run in a standard way (UAC enabled, not as admin...).