Does New MT4 download 90% history data like MT5

Does New MT4 download 90% history data like MT5.
Does New MT4 download 90% history data like MT5.
No. History data is still like MT4. So it is still possible to use your own data and even use tick data.

Is there any way to import 90% history from MT5 to MT4 ?

SDC: Is there any way to import 90% history from MT5 to MT4 ?

Yeah.. there are scripts in mt5_codebase.

A slight modification might allow you to bring over the spreads and real_volume as well.


wow really ? Im gonna look into those possibilties. I would like to experiment with real volume.


Yeah.. there are scripts in mt5_codebase.

A slight modification might allow you to bring over the spreads and real_volume as well.

Will need to be modified for the new .hst format as well if you want the "real" volume.