lot calculating with trend


hi, I am trying to calculate my lot size and it does not appear to work as I would like

I try to make it seek the last bars to see what direction they went and increment my lot size using this calculation. So Basicly I setup the barcount to 1 before this sequence and I increment it as it does not find 2 bars that are going the same way. but it does not work when I put it on an account I tought it worked but when it re-calculates it it stops working. anyone willing to help on this?

             while (done != true)
                  previousbar = barcount+1;
                  openprice1 = iOpen(Symbol(),Period(),barcount);
                  closeprice1 = iClose(Symbol(),Period(),barcount);
                  if ((closeprice1 - openprice1) > 0) nexttype1 = 1;
                  if ((closeprice1 - openprice1) < 0) nexttype1 = 0;                  
                  openprice1 = iOpen(Symbol(),Period(),previousbar);
                  closeprice1 = iClose(Symbol(),Period(),previousbar);
                  if ((closeprice2 - openprice2) > 0) nexttype2 = 1;
                  if ((closeprice2 - openprice2) < 0) nexttype2 = 0;
                  if (nexttype1 != nexttype2) barcount+1;
                  if (nexttype1 == nexttype2)
                        multiplier = barcount;
                        done = true;
            lot = (lot*multiplier);
            if (lot < minlot) lot = minlot;
            if (lot > Max_Start_Lot) lot = Max_Start_Lot; 

hi, I am trying to calculate my lot size and it does not appear to work as I would like

I try to make it seek the last bars to see what direction they went and increment my lot size using this calculation. So Basicly I setup the barcount to 1 before this sequence and I increment it as it does not find 2 bars that are going the same way. but it does not work when I put it on an account I tought it worked but when it re-calculates it it stops working. anyone willing to help on this?

Where do you increment barcount?

Where do you increment barcount?

                  if (nexttype1 != nexttype2) barcount+1;

What does barcount+1; do?

Does that compile?

Do you mean barcount++; ?


What does barcount+1; do?

Does that compile?

Do you mean barcount++; ?

I think it does the same thing and yes it compiles
