Problem with populating an array..?


Hi Forum,

can someone tell me how to populate the array correct? I only get zeros as a result of test[i].

int init()
   int test[];
   for(int i = 1; i<=10; i++)
      test[i] = i;
      Print(i," , ", test[i]);

Hi Forum,

can someone tell me how to populate the array correct? I only get zeros as a result of test[i].

How big is your array, how many elements are in it ?

int test[1];     // array is 1 element

int test[10];    // array is 10 elements

int test[1000];  // array is 1000 elements

int test[];    // how many elements ? ?

Ah ok... I didn't know that is necessary to define the array-size. Now it is working. the results are now almost correct. The last print is 10, 0 instead of 10,10. Is that because the array starts counting with 0? But then I wonder why the numbers from 1-9 are correct.

Edit: I think that an array must be populated with 0 as the start, correct? When I see my example, I start populating it with 1.


Ah ok... I didn't know that is necessary to define the array-size. Now it is working. the results are now almost correct. The last print is 10, 0 instead of 10,10. Is that because the array starts counting with 0? But then I wonder why the numbers from 1-9 are correct.

Edit: I think that an array must be populated with 0 as the start, correct? When I see my example, I start populating it with 1.

Yes, all arrays on any programming language I have seen all start at 0 as the first element number . . . the Order and History pools are also arrays, bear that in mind for the future.

Ah ok... I didn't know that is necessary to define the array-size.

You don't have to define it with a size . . . but at some point before you use the array you have to give it a size, so you could do this . . .

int init()
   int test[];
   for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      ArrayResize(test, ArraySize(test) + 1);
      test[i] = i;
      Print(i," , ", test[i]);
Yes, all arrays on any programming language I have seen all start at 0 ass the first element number . . . the Order and History pools are also arrays, bear that in mind for the future.

Please watch your language on this forum
Thanks, Raptor! I bear that in mind.