Strategy Tester - File Output - page 2

File issue solved: it cannot make the file if operators are || . Must be only bitwise ( | ).

See also File Opening Flags:

One or several flags can be specified when opening a file. This is a combination of flags. The combination of flags is written using the sign of logical OR (|), which is positioned between enumerated flags. For example, to open a file in CSV format for reading and writing at the same time, specify the combination FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV.


   int filehandle=FileOpen(filename,FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV);

There are some specific features of work when you specify read and write flags:

  • If FILE_READ is specified, an attempt is made to open an existing file. If a file does not exist, file opening fails, a new file is not created.
  • FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE – a new file is created if the file with the specified name does not exist.
  • FILE_WRITE –  the file is created again with a zero suze.

When opening a file specification of FILE_WRITE and/or FILE_READ is required.

Flags that define the type of reading of an open file, possess priority. The highest flag is FILE_CSV, then goes FILE_BIN, and FILE_TXT is of lowest priority. Thus, if several flags are specified at the same time, (FILE_TXT|FILE_CSV or FILE_TXT|FILE_BIN or FILE_BIN|FILE_CSV), the flag with the highest priority will be used.

Flags that define the type of encoding also have priority. FILE_UNICODE is of a higher priority than FILE_ANSI. So if you specify combination FILE_UNICODE|FILE_ANSI, flag FILE_UNICODE will be used.

If neither FILE_UNICODE nor FILE_ANSI is indicated, FILE_UNICODE is implied. If neither FILE_CSV, nor FILE_BIN, nor FILE_TXT is specified, FILE_CSV is implied.

If a file is opened for reading as a text file (FILE_TXT or FILE_CSV), and at the file beginning a special two-byte indication 0xff,0xfe is found, the encoding flag will be FILE_UNICODE, even if FILE_ANSI is specified.