How to read values from custom indicator while indicator doesn't use buffers?


How to read values from custom indicator while indicator doesn't use buffers?

I am writing new ea which by using custom indicator.but indicator not using buffers. so how can i read values for ea?

Plesse give me a suggetions to solve this issues.


How to read values from custom indicator while indicator doesn't use buffers?

I am writing new ea which by using custom indicator.but indicator not using buffers. so how can i read values for ea?

Plesse give me a suggetions to solve this issues.

What are using the indicator ? Objects ? Then read values directly from objects.

Or ?

Is there any example code to read values from objects? please support!
Is there any example code to read values from objects? please support!

Search for the object just like you search for orders. Then use ObjectGet() to retrieve values. Read the documentation above for other helpful functions. Example.

for(int i=ObjectsTotal()-1; i>=0; i--){
    if(ObjectType(name) != OBJ_HLINE) continue;
    x=ObjectGet(name, OBJPROP_PRICE1);

you can use: - GlobalVariables, -Files, -namedPipes, -DLL, (DDE 'knows' only one way I think: from MT4 to e.g. EXCEL)
