OrderClose rare multiple close?

I know I've been pretty incessant with regards to OrderClose() function and multiple closes, but it does something quite strange.

Usually what would happen at target 1, 2 or 3 is the open positions predefined lot value will be closed out. However, what I have seen (maybe ONCE) is when price >= target 1, it will close out the correct lots it should do, but instead it will do it within 3 exits. So if I check my history, instead of having one part close of 0.03, i'll have 3x 0.01 closes at >= target 1.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated - (also, I HAVE read regarding RefreshRates(), but am not entirely sure on the placement of them? Is there a better way of using them than the example shown in the manual of RefreshRates?)
//| Close OP_BUY Half lots @ 1:1 Function                                                            |
void CloseHalfOrder()
   static datetime Closed_FirstTarget;
   datetime        FetchDateOfFirstClose = GlobalVariableGet(" EURAUD_GV_1st ");
   static datetime Closed_EMA_Target;
   datetime        FetchDateOfEMAClose = GlobalVariableGet(" EURAUD_GV_EMA ");
   static datetime Closed_ThirdTarget;
   datetime        FetchDateOfThirdClose = GlobalVariableGet(" EURAUD_GV_3rd ");
   double minLot=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT);
   double lotStep=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSTEP);
   double EMA_Bar = iClose(NULL, PERIOD_H1, 1);
   double EMA_MA = iMA(Symbol(),60,21,0,1,0,0);
   int PositionIndex;    //  <-- this variable is the index used for the loop
   int TotalNumberOfOrders;   //  <-- this variable will hold the number of orders currently in the Trade pool
   TotalNumberOfOrders = OrdersTotal();    // <-- we store the number of Orders in the variable
for(PositionIndex = TotalNumberOfOrders - 1; PositionIndex >= 0 ; PositionIndex --) 
     bool CurrentOrder = OrderSelect(PositionIndex,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES);
      if(  ! CurrentOrder ) continue;  
        if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
         if( CurrentOrder == True)  
               double Target_2 =MathFloor(OrderLots()/Second_Target/lotStep)*lotStep;
               TwoRatio_Buy = OrderOpenPrice()+(( OrderTakeProfit()-OrderOpenPrice()) / ( RewardRatio / 2 )); 

          //<<-- Second Target Order Close function -->>\\ 
          if(OrderOpenTime() != FetchDateOfThirdClose && OrderType()==OP_BUY && Bid - TwoRatio_Buy > - Point )
                if( Target_2 - minLot > - Point )
                  bool Two_Ratio_Buy=OrderClose(OrderTicket(),Target_2,Bid,5,CLR_NONE);
                  if(Two_Ratio_Buy!=TRUE)Print("Two_Ratio_Buy Last Error = ",GetLastError(), " On: ", OrderSymbol());
                  if(Two_Ratio_Buy==True)Print("Two_Ratio_Buy Target Closed: ", OrderLots(), " On: ", OrderSymbol());
                  if(Two_Ratio_Buy==True)Closed_ThirdTarget = GlobalVariableSet(" EURAUD_GV_3rd ", OrderOpenTime());
                     Alert("Second Target Hit At: ", TwoRatio_Buy," on: ", Symbol());  
                if( minLot - Target_2 > - Point )
                  bool Two_Ratio_Buy1=OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,5,CLR_NONE);
                  if(Two_Ratio_Buy1!=TRUE)Print("Two_Ratio_Buy Last Error = ",GetLastError(), " On: ", OrderSymbol());
                  if(Two_Ratio_Buy1==True)Print("Two_Ratio_Buy Target Closed: ", OrderLots(), " On: ", OrderSymbol());
                  if(Two_Ratio_Buy1==True)Closed_ThirdTarget = GlobalVariableSet(" EURAUD_GV_3rd ", OrderOpenTime());
                     Alert("Could only close minLot at Second Target: ", TwoRatio_Buy," on: ", Symbol());               
