Accessing ea over brokers metatrader server - page 2


I think the Paranoia theories are groundless. Most of us start out this way but have to grow-up at some point. Of all the pieces of software which transfer encrypted data from our computer to software companies like Microsoft Windows, Adobe, Browsers && Websites which holds our personal life savings, we decide to get Paranoid about Expert Advisors.

1st) We're giving meta-Quotes and Brokers way-too-much credit if we think that somehow they've been stealing Expert Advisor codes and No-One who've ever used this piece of software has-had the skill-set to sniff-and-decrypt what it's sending across the Internet.

2nd) Whenever brokers get such capability, their very own employees || ex-employees leak-out this information. I do-not believe that this type of information could be kept secret for very long. What brokers can and have done with 3rd parties add-on is very well published. Stealing EA from customers is-not one of them.

I mean come on all-ready... Do you guys still believe in the super-duper expert advisor which make you a billionaire? If you had the choice between Stealing an EA and Keeping a Brokerage_Firm which would you choose? Remember, the broker already have all your trading records ... as well as everyone else's ... does anyone really believe there's something these guys haven't already seen?

Yes, I completely agree. I never even thought they would bother with my code. When it performs in a way which makes them pain, they have other easier tactics than stealing my code.

Nevertheless the security hole was there, regardless if it was used or not.

Do you know WHRoeder ? why would you take the word of any User on this forum and not bother to establish the facts for yourself ?

I do not know him, but he replied me and I kindly thank to him. What is the issue in my words? Sorry in advance if I hurt somebody especially WHRoeder.

I think the Paranoia theories are groundless. Most of us start out this way but have to grow-up at some point. Of all the pieces of software which transfer encrypted data from our computer to software companies like Microsoft Windows, Adobe, Browsers && Websites which holds our personal life savings, we decide to get Paranoid about Expert Advisors.

1st) We're giving meta-Quotes and Brokers way-too-much credit if we think that somehow they've been stealing Expert Advisor codes and No-One who've ever used this piece of software has-had the skill-set to sniff-and-decrypt what it's sending across the Internet.

2nd) Whenever brokers get such capability, their very own employees || ex-employees leak-out this information. I do-not believe that this type of information could be kept secret for very long. What brokers can and have done with 3rd parties add-on is very well published. Stealing EA from customers is-not one of them.

I mean come on all-ready... Do you guys still believe in the super-duper expert advisor which make you a billionaire? If you had the choice between Stealing an EA and Keeping a Brokerage_Firm which would you choose? Remember, the broker already have all your trading records ... as well as everyone else's ... does anyone really believe there's something these guys haven't already seen?

Hi ubzen, Thanks for your comments. I totally understand what you are saying. There isn't of course 100% security and there are many ways to attack to a PC. However my point was that if the broker sees my robot's performance they might be interested it, if technically possible they could able to steal it. I'm not having a paranoia that somebody in the world is watching me and trying to get my robot, my paranoia is just for brokers. I'm not considering any kind of other attacks since nobody knows what I'm having and running. I don't think that a hacker would even understand that I'm running a forex robot that is somewhat valuable. If technically broker cannot reach my folders this answer is enough for me.

Regarding to robot's performance is another but very important topic. You are saying that since you cannot have a super robot why do you care about security? Well I'm not sure yet that I have build a super robot but I just wanted to know if somebody can technically reach it or not. The topic was only about this.

I'm dealing with mechanical systems since 2000, I'm very new to forex but developed many systems before in other platforms. My belief that it would be possible to have a sustainable performance over years but I'm not sure about super performance of course. Currently my robot makes 1000USD (1 lot eurusd, neet to put 3000USD to account) to 52000USD in 8 years without any optimization (backtest). Previously I was very much focused on optimization and it never helped me to have a sustainable performance over years. The current live performance of the robot is also good and running since 4 months. I don't know at the end what I will get but somehow I see a light in the tunnel. I still do not know if it's sunlight or a train is approaching me but I just want to give some more try...

I really thank to everybody for your comments

And also sorry for my English if it caused misunderstandings...
One more point.. if it's a trend following strategy, you might be better off illuminating your code on a giant billboard above your house.

I do not know him, but he replied me and I kindly thank to him. What is the issue in my words? Sorry in advance if I hurt somebody especially WHRoeder.
Nobody got hurt . . . I'm just saying that its OK to ask for advice but what you get is just that, advice, you still need to do your own research and be sure of what you determine is the correct course of action. As it happens I agree with WHRoeder but you still need to investigate more . . .

OK, I'm done, thanks RaptorUK.