HTTP code is causing strings to mess up iCustom function


Hey guys, here's my situation.

I have an EA that I use for alerting me of changes on an indicator via the iCustom function.

I have another script that does an HTTP request to my server.

Both seem to work right on their own. But once I try to combine them, things get wack.

The script is below. I basically ripped the twitpic script for the http part:

What happens is that on first iteration, things seem to be going well. Then on next iteration the following error appears during the iCustom calls:

2013.11.11 20:12:34 Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files\OANDA - MetaTrader\experts\indicators\ror page -->

padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly eetected a new trend zhou. Hold onto your seats.ex4'

What's interesting about this is that it seems to be the rough combination of the response string from the http and the Alert string I have below for my indicator. What confuses me though is that I'm getting no compile errrors and I can't find any unescaped strings.

Anyone have any idea what's going on?

//|                                                    has_alert.mq4 |
//|                                                 Is okay Software |
//|                               |
#property copyright "Is okay Software"
#property link      ""

static datetime lastPriceAlertedBar=0;

extern int   _width     = 1024;
extern int   _height    = 768;

#define SCREENSHOT_FILENAME "f_screenshot.gif"

//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()
//| expert start function                                            |
int start()

  string post_url,
  params[0][0] = "username";
  params[0][1] = "";
  params[1][0] = "password";
  params[1][1] = "";
  post_url = "/api/upload";

  string filenames[1][2];
  filenames[0][0] = "media";
  filenames[0][1] = SCREENSHOT_FILENAME;
  string response;
  if (WindowScreenShot(SCREENSHOT_FILENAME, _width, _height)) {
    if (HttpPOST("", post_url, params, filenames, response)) {
      string start_tag = "<mediaurl>",
             end_tag   = "</mediaurl>";
      int start = StringFind(response, start_tag),
          end   = StringFind(response, end_tag),
          s_len = StringLen(start_tag);
      //StringSubstr(response, start + s_len, end - start - s_len)
      Alert("Screenshot sent @ "+ response);

   int barToCheck=0;
      double HAOpen = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Heiken_Ashi_Smoothed", 2, 6, 3, 2, 2,  0);
      double HAClose = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Heiken_Ashi_Smoothed", 2, 6, 3, 2, 2, 3, 0);

      double HAOpen1 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Heiken_Ashi_Smoothed", 2, 6, 3, 2, 2, 2,1);
      double HAClose1 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Heiken_Ashi_Smoothed", 2, 6, 3, 2, 2, 3,1);

      string HADirection = "None";
      if(HAOpen < HAClose) HADirection = "Long";
      if(HAOpen > HAClose) HADirection = "Short";
      string HADirection1 = "None";
      if(HAOpen1 < HAClose1) HADirection1 = "Long";
      if(HAOpen1 > HAClose1) HADirection1 = "Short";
      if( HADirection != HADirection1){
         Alert(Symbol(),Period()," - HAS has detected a new trend. Hold onto your seats");

/*****HTTP LIBRARY CODE********************************/

#import "wininet.dll"


// Had to cut the following two defines because of silly MQL4 identifier limits

#define _IGNORE_REDIRECT_TO_HTTP        0x00008000
#define _IGNORE_REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS       0x00004000

#define INTERNET_FLAG_NO_COOKIES        0x00080000
#define INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD            0x80000000
#define INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE    0x04000000
#define INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE        0x04000000
#define INTERNET_FLAG_PRAGMA_NOCACHE    0x00000100
#define INTERNET_FLAG_NO_UI             0x00000200

#define HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD            0x20000000
#define HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE        0x80000000

#define INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP           3

#define AGENT                           "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461)"
#define BUFSIZ                          128

#define REQUEST_FILE                    "_req.txt"

////////////// PROTOTYPES

bool InternetCanonicalizeUrlA(string lpszUrl, string lpszBuffer, int& lpdwBufferLength[], int dwFlags);

int InternetOpenA(string sAgent, int lAccessType, string sProxyName="", string sProxyBypass="", int lFlags=0);

int InternetReadFile(int hFile, string sBuffer, int lNumBytesToRead, int& lNumberOfBytesRead[]);

int InternetCloseHandle(int hInet);

int InternetConnectA(int handle, string host, int port, string user, string pass, int service, int flags, int context);

bool HttpSendRequestA(int handle, string headers, int headersLen, int& optional[], int optionalLen);

bool HttpAddRequestHeadersA(int handle, string headers, int headersLen, int modifiers);

int HttpOpenRequestA(int hConnect, string lpszVerb, string lpszObjectName, string lpszVersion,
 string lpszReferer, string& lplpszAcceptTypes[], int dwFlags, int dwContext);


/////////// POST

bool HttpPOST(string host, string script, string params[][], string filenames[][], string& strWebPage)
  int hIntrn = InternetOpenA(AGENT, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, "0", "0", 0);
  if (hIntrn == 0) {
    return (false);

  int hConn = InternetConnectA(hIntrn,

  if (hConn == 0) {
    return (false);

  int dwOpenRequestFlags =   // _IGNORE_REDIRECT_TO_HTTP |
                             // _IGNORE_REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS |
                             // INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION |
                             // INTERNET_FLAG_NO_AUTO_REDIRECT |
                             // INTERNET_FLAG_NO_COOKIES |
                             // INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE |
                             INTERNET_FLAG_NO_UI |

  string accept[] = {"Accept: text/*\r\n"};

  int hReq = HttpOpenRequestA(hConn,

  string strBoundary = "---------------------------HOFSTADTER";
  string strContentHeader = "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" + strBoundary;

  HttpAddRequestHeadersA(hReq, strContentHeader, StringLen(strContentHeader), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE);

  int i     = 0,
      idx   = 0,
      r     = 0,
      len   = 0

  string hdr = "";

  if(_req <= 0) {
    return (false);

  // Add parameters to request body

  for (i = ArrayRange(params, 0) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    hdr = StringConcatenate(
      "--", strBoundary, "\r\n",
      "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"", params[i][0], "\"\r\n\r\n",
      params[i][1], "\r\n");
    FileWriteString(_req, hdr, StringLen(hdr));

  // Add files to request body
  for (i = ArrayRange(filenames, 0) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    hdr = StringConcatenate(
      "--", strBoundary, "\r\n",
      "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"", filenames[i][0], "\"; filename=\"", filenames[i][1], "\"\r\n",
      "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n");

    FileWriteString(_req, hdr, StringLen(hdr));

    int handle = FileOpen(filenames[i][1], FILE_BIN|FILE_READ);
    if(handle <= 0) {
      return (false);
    len = FileSize(handle);
    for (int b = 0; b < len; b++) {
      FileWriteInteger(_req, FileReadInteger(handle, CHAR_VALUE), CHAR_VALUE);

  string boundaryEnd = "\r\n--" + strBoundary + "--\r\n";
  FileWriteString(_req, boundaryEnd, StringLen(boundaryEnd));


  // Re-reads saved POST data byte-to-byte from file in the pseudo-character array
  //  we need to send with HttpSendRequestA. This is due to the fact I know no clean
  //  way to cast strings _plus_ binary file contents to a character array in MQL.
  //  If you know how to do it properly feel free to contact me.

  int request[];

  if (_req <= 0) {
    return (false);
  len = FileSize(_req);

  ArrayResize(request, len);
  ArrayInitialize(request, 0);

  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    request[r] |= FileReadInteger(_req, CHAR_VALUE) << (idx * 8);
    idx = (idx + 1) %4;
    if (idx == 0) {

  if (!HttpSendRequestA(hReq, NULL, 0, request, len)) {
    return (false);

  // Read response

  int     lReturn[]  = {1};
  string  sBuffer    = "";

  while (TRUE) {
    if (InternetReadFile(hReq, sBuffer, BUFSIZ, lReturn) <= 0 || lReturn[0] == 0) {
    strWebPage = StringConcatenate(strWebPage, StringSubstr(sBuffer, 0, lReturn[0]));


  return (true);
#define BUFSIZ                          128
  string  sBuffer    = "";

  while (TRUE) {
    if (InternetReadFile(hReq, sBuffer, BUFSIZ, lReturn) <= 0 || lReturn[0] == 0) {......
You are supplying a buffer with zero length, while allowing 128 bytes to be rewritten.

Okay so from what I got from that thread, I'd have to supply a sBuffer variable of equivalent length? I tried this and it seems to have fixed the problem but it feels a bit weird to be the real solution.

string  sBuffer    = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";


Now I'm having trouble sending the POST request. When httpsendrequesta goes through, it doesn't do it via POST. I have php code on my server to verify this and its not recognizing. If I sent the file along with it, it outright throws a 500 error. If I append no file, it goes through and returns the output ... BUT it's not a POSt request which totally defeats the purpose. Any ideas?

btw Verified the buffer solution: . Thanks Ovo!
