When I compile existing mq4 file, the ex4 file disappears from experts folder. Working on Apple Mac.


Hi All,

Once my MetaTrader4 is newly installed everything works fine.

I am able to write my EA in mql4, when i compile ex4 file is created in Experts folder and it works fine.

But, few hours after MetaTrader goes nuts. Here I mean that when i compile existing mq4 file it makes ex4 file disappear from expert folder.

the problem is not only with my own EAs. If I have standard MACD and i compile it, MACD.ex4 file will dissapear.

If I reinstall the MT4, for some time all is fine. But then again few hours later same thing happens.

perhaps any of you had similar problem. I am working on Apple MAC, perhaprs this is the problem ?

thanks in advance.