where do i put suggestions for the platform? security, simulation and linux support


Mt is a great tool and it has helped me through many sleepless nights already giving me something useful to do

but (you heard that coming, right)

i dont know where to post suggestions since the forum on the site directs to here i have a few though :

first : security, a single password is great and all and the broker ofcourse holds the client responsible for keeping it safe, which is normal but since im somewhat of an ex-paranoid person i think this needs a little improvement since real money is involved. Its not like someone can hack your account and take the money but theres a few scenarios where things could go horribly wrong :

my cat drops on the keyboard and or mouse while im outside for five seconds and opens or closes a trade, that could cost a lot of money, some malicious pre-teen kid my girlfriend brings over when she comes around thought it funny to bash a few things while i wasnt paying attention for like five minutes, another malicious fiend gains access to my hardware, be it local or via internet etcetera, you can always check the log to see if someone logged in from a strange ip you can see every action with time and date all very neat but if you're down $10k thats not gonna help much and i doubt a broker would be very helpful either there unless the fault happened on their side somewhere

Theres all kinds of things to prevent access, like two-factor authentication, or lock-to-ip, stuff like that, but that still does not protect you while actually logged in i was wondering if anywhere towards the future a feature could be built in making use of a hardware dongle like a yubikey or something where you can (own choice ofcourse)

where you can lock any kind of action while the dongle is not connected to the computer (or tablet or whatever) effectively making it impossible to change anything at all unless you (that is the person who has the hardware key is at the pc (or left it sticking in)

i dont think this is a luxury for a tool working with a lot of money and i cant see this being very hard to incorporate into the code

i also dont know if this will reach the developers ive looked through the menus but i cant find any kind of lock-all until password even (maybe i did miss it in which case i would be most grateful if someone pointed out where i can find it)

second : i use spreadsheets to simulate trades on different accounts, what will happen if-situations and such but the prices are never exactly on point. If metatraderd had some kind of simulation-tab where you can put in simulated trades which use the actual current data streamed from the server i think that would be most useful, maybe someone else thinks its a good idea in which case i would ask you to raise your voice in silent text here, ladies and/or gentlemen.

third : i run metatrader mostly on linux (under wine) and it works perfectly well but i wouldnt mind a re-compiled version to be shipped to the linux (ubuntu-mint) standard software repositories, since its fee anyway what could be the harm if not to reach more clientele than already available and broaden the userbase

the security issue bites me the most really, i hope someone who is on the dev-team gets to read this or someone can forward it (or someone can point me out what part of the menu's i missed when i was looking for it, even so, the option to lock without hardware key would be most welcomed by me (and maybe others)

thanks for reading anyways, whoever does so

I'll recommend contacting metaQuotes directly. Here.

I don't think it is Metaquotes job to secure the users PC. They already have implemented secure access to the traders terminal via password authentication, it is the users job to secure their PC from unauthorized access by cats children etc. You can press windows key + L or ctrl+alt+ L in linux and there are a multitude of apps available to lock keyboards, etc.