how to ... ? - page 2


In this code, the buffer 0 and 1 it working but not displayng on the chart because i want to do so, buffers 2 and 3 is working and displayng on chart and that is ok, the problem is for buffers 4 and 5 the code of them is not make the matematic calcul and not display on chart!

Thank you very much for your help!

I wait for answers!

You probably have to use [i] instead of [0].

you calculate with these values before they have value, that part is after this line in the code:


this part is better placed after the other calculations in the while loop.

and as angevoyageur also noticed, probably here also you should use i+0, i+1, i+2.

  1. Simplify your loop. Your maximum look back is 6:
    Your code
    //---- last counted bar will be recounted    
    //----Up and Down Fractals
    Contradictory information on IndicatorCounted() - MQL4 forum
       if(nCountedBars < 6) nCountedBars = 6; // Lookback
       for(int i=Bars - 1 - nCounted; i>=2; i--)

  2. You are not setting your values into the array
    UpValue not set
    Likewise DownValue

  3. The look back code is already handled.
    if(!bFound && (Bars-i-1)>=3)
       if(dCurrent==High[i+1] && dCurrent>High[i+2] && dCurrent>High[i+3] &&
          dCurrent>High[i-1] && dCurrent>High[i-2])
    Don't look forward (at bar zero or the future)
    if(!bFound && i>2)
       if(dCurrent==High[i+1] && dCurrent>High[i+2] && dCurrent>High[i+3] &&
          dCurrent>High[i-1] && dCurrent>High[i-2])