how to ... ?


Hi guys, i need some help if someoane it is there!

I want to use in my indicator the last 3 buffers bar from the fractals indicator, example: Fractals Indicator, has '' SetIndexBuffer(0,ExtUpFractalsBuffer);''

so i want to use the last 3 value of this ' ExtUpFractalsBuffer'' and the same for ''ExtDownFractalsBuffer' !

Thank you very much!


Hi guys, i need some help if someoane it is there!

I want to use in my indicator the last 3 buffers bar from the fractals indicator, example: Fractals Indicator, has '' SetIndexBuffer(0,ExtUpFractalsBuffer);''

so i want to use the last 3 value of this ' ExtUpFractalsBuffer'' and the same for ''ExtDownFractalsBuffer' !

There is a thread all about iCustom(), find it, read it, understand it . . .
There is a thread all about iCustom(), find it, read it, understand it . . .

I try it to use that but now i thenk i did not make something right because my mt4 platform crach down.! Enyway i will insist if you say that is the direction! So thnak's RaptorUK!

I try it to use that but now i thenk i did not make something right because my mt4 platform crach down.! Enyway i will insist if you say that is the direction! So thnak's RaptorUK!

And i thenk it is not possibile to use iCustom() in the same indicator code, because that is what i whant to do!

Ok, i will remake my text, i want to use in Fractals indicator, to add some code and to use the last 3 value of SetIndexBuffer(0,ExtUpFractalsBuffer), i repeat in the same indicator i want to add code, not in some EA or another indicator!



Ok, i will remake my text, i want to use in Fractals indicator, to add some code and to use the last 3 value of SetIndexBuffer(0,ExtUpFractalsBuffer), i repeat in the same indicator i want to add code, not in some EA or another indicator!


Ah I see, the last 3 values are BufferName[0], BufferName[1] and BufferName[2]
I thenk it is good what you are sayng but something he dosent work, i dont now what!

SetIndexBuffer(5,DownValue); .........................until here is ok

double dRatio;
double dUpValue;
............................................................................................all this ok

dRatio=((High[i]+Low[i]+Open[i]+Close[i])/4); .........this is working

dUpValue=(((UpRatio[0]+UpRatio[1]+UpRatio[2])/3) *1.008); ..........................................THIS IT IS NOT WORK

UpRatio[i]=dRatio; ...with this is ok
UpValue[0]=dUpValue; .....................................................................NOT WORK


  1. Play video
    Please edit your post.
    For large amounts of code, attach it.

  2. There are no mind readers here. "NOT WORK" is meaningless. What does it do? what are the values? What do you think it should do?
  3. There are no mind readers here. Post ALL the code, we have no idea whither your code is in init or in start() what your loop is etc.

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 6
#property indicator_color1 Red
#property indicator_color2 Blue
#property indicator_color3 White
#property indicator_color4 Blue
#property indicator_color5 Green
#property indicator_color6 Red
//---- input parameters

//---- buffers
double ExtUpFractalsBuffer[];
double ExtDownFractalsBuffer[];
double UpRatio[];
double DownRatio[];
double UpValue[];
double DownValue[];

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()

//---- indicator buffers mapping  
//---- drawing settings

//---- name for DataWindow

    SetIndexLabel(0,"Fractal Up");
    SetIndexLabel(1,"Fractal Down");
    SetIndexLabel(2,"Up Ratio");
    SetIndexLabel(3,"Down Ratio");
    SetIndexLabel(4,"Up Value"); 
    SetIndexLabel(5,"Down Value"); 
//---- initialization done   
//| Custor indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
//---- TODO: add your code here
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
   int    i,nCountedBars;   
   bool   bFound;
   double dCurrent;
   double dRatio;
   double dUpValue;
   double dDownValue;
//---- last counted bar will be recounted    
//----Up and Down Fractals
      //----Fractals up
      if(dCurrent>High[i+1] && dCurrent>High[i+2] && dCurrent>High[i-1] && dCurrent>High[i-2])
      //----6 bars Fractal
      if(!bFound && (Bars-i-1)>=3)
         if(dCurrent==High[i+1] && dCurrent>High[i+2] && dCurrent>High[i+3] &&
            dCurrent>High[i-1] && dCurrent>High[i-2])
      //----7 bars Fractal
      if(!bFound && (Bars-i-1)>=4)
         if(dCurrent>=High[i+1] && dCurrent==High[i+2] && dCurrent>High[i+3] && dCurrent>High[i+4] &&
            dCurrent>High[i-1] && dCurrent>High[i-2])
      //----8 bars Fractal                          
      if(!bFound && (Bars-i-1)>=5)
         if(dCurrent>=High[i+1] && dCurrent==High[i+2] && dCurrent==High[i+3] && dCurrent>High[i+4] && dCurrent>High[i+5] && 
            dCurrent>High[i-1] && dCurrent>High[i-2])
      //----9 bars Fractal                                        
      if(!bFound && (Bars-i-1)>=6)
         if(dCurrent>=High[i+1] && dCurrent==High[i+2] && dCurrent>=High[i+3] && dCurrent==High[i+4] && dCurrent>High[i+5] && 
            dCurrent>High[i+6] && dCurrent>High[i-1] && dCurrent>High[i-2])
      //----Fractals down
      if(dCurrent<Low[i+1] && dCurrent<Low[i+2] && dCurrent<Low[i-1] && dCurrent<Low[i-2])
      //----6 bars Fractal
      if(!bFound && (Bars-i-1)>=3)
         if(dCurrent==Low[i+1] && dCurrent<Low[i+2] && dCurrent<Low[i+3] &&
            dCurrent<Low[i-1] && dCurrent<Low[i-2])
      //----7 bars Fractal
      if(!bFound && (Bars-i-1)>=4)
         if(dCurrent<=Low[i+1] && dCurrent==Low[i+2] && dCurrent<Low[i+3] && dCurrent<Low[i+4] &&
            dCurrent<Low[i-1] && dCurrent<Low[i-2])
      //----8 bars Fractal                          
      if(!bFound && (Bars-i-1)>=5)
         if(dCurrent<=Low[i+1] && dCurrent==Low[i+2] && dCurrent==Low[i+3] && dCurrent<Low[i+4] && dCurrent<Low[i+5] && 
            dCurrent<Low[i-1] && dCurrent<Low[i-2])
      //----9 bars Fractal                                        
      if(!bFound && (Bars-i-1)>=6)
         if(dCurrent<=Low[i+1] && dCurrent==Low[i+2] && dCurrent<=Low[i+3] && dCurrent==Low[i+4] && dCurrent<Low[i+5] && 
            dCurrent<Low[i+6] && dCurrent<Low[i-1] && dCurrent<Low[i-2])

fractals.ex4  6 kb

In this code, the buffer 0 and 1 it working but not displayng on the chart because i want to do so, buffers 2 and 3 is working and displayng on chart and that is ok, the problem is for buffers 4 and 5 the code of them is not make the matematic calcul and not display on chart!

Thank you very much for your help!

I wait for answers!