Indicators that work. - page 2

Not forbidden, just not allowed. "This resource is a site where traders interested in MetaQuotes Language 4 and automated trading systems communicate." ( bold added )

Wait and see
Wait and see

Well my interpretation of the rules

"This resource is a site where traders interested in MetaQuotes Language 4 and automated trading systems communicate." ( bold added )

Here you can ask any questions on technical analysis, discuss ideas about trading systems, indicators and robots, as well as hone your skills of programming trading strategies in MQL4.

Communicate and share your experience with traders from anywhere in the world. Ask questions and help newbies with valuable advices - is developing along with you.

So traders interested in MetaQuotes Language 4 and automated trading systems can discuss almost anything related to trading.

But non-traders or those not interested in MetaQuotes Language 4 and automated trading systems are not allowed to discuss anything!

RaptorUK: MetaQuotes Language 4 and automated trading systems communicate." ( bold added )
But that's no longer in the rules nor the main page
Here you can ask any questions on technical analysis, discuss ideas about trading systems, indicators and robots, as well as hone your skills of programming (emphasis added)
But that's no longer in the rules nor the main page
It's the first line on the Registration page . . .
Wait and see
I really hope not . . . we don't need flooding pictures of cats here.
When you registered, perhaps you missed the part about Any discussions except of concerning MetaQuotes Language 4 and auto trading are forbidden. You're off topic for this forum.

No, you are not right. This topic is about technical analysis not about movies, politics, etc. So the topic starter didn't break the Rules.


I think a lot of indicators work... but I don't think they work blindly... they need a lot of if and when,... if you can simulate human reasoning, which I think you can.into the program then you would have a more positive outcome


MQ decided this forum should be used as a multipurpose forum for MT4/MQL4 related discussions quite some time ago, I think I pointed this out before on another thread. The forum banner has held this message for over two years.


MQ decided this forum should be used as a multipurpose forum for MT4/MQL4 related discussions quite some time ago, I think I pointed this out before on another thread. The forum banner has held this message for over two years.
