Writing to the profile files



I've written a series of EAs that I use across multiple TFs and Instruments and it became a chore managing the settings for each of them.  This is what I do at the moment

1. In each EA I have all the settings stored in a file in the experts/files folder, and I autoload those settings into the EA based on the filename I give it

2. Each week I backtest the EAs shifting the dates to capture (hopefully) market shifts and then I put the new settings into the files in the experts/files folder as stated in 1.

3.  When the EA is switched on the new settings are automatically picked up from these files via the Init() function using the FileRead functions

All sounds great and it works fine, however I would rather be able to write these settings to the chart files in the profiles folder so I can manually change the settings when I want and the problem I have is that the ones that come up when you press cntrl-F7 are the ones that I have as a default in the MQ4 file NOT the ones that I have in my experts/file files. 

Hope this makes sense so far

So I guess the simple question is...... How do I write direct to the profiles files so I can scrap the ones I have in the experts/file folder?

I've google'd til I'm blue in the face trying to find a way to write to a file like profiles/chart01.chr file

Hope it's really obvious as I'm still fairly new to MQL4 but the documentation doesn't seem to have any reference to this
