IS it possible to prevent duplicated inclusion of the header files? and how?


Dear all, 

  IS there any preprocessors used to enablbe the duplicated inclusion of the header files?  and how? Thanks a lot for your time and consideration, and your prompt reply.

AFAIK, there's no way to tell preprocessor to include a file just once as the C/C++ #ifdef etc. preproc directives are not supported in MQL4. This is actually one of the more annoying features of MQL4. I get around this problem by putting a comment (i.e. not the actual #include) with list of required includes in each file and then put the actual #includes in the main EA mq4 file. Maybe someone else has a better way.
Dear fxjozef, Thank you for your kind and prompt reply. I'v reorganized the header files so it is not that urgent at present. But I will be anticipating for the more elegant solutions......