expert advisor building ?


i know c++ little and i know mql less than c++. how can i learn "building ea ?" is there any free guide or forum topic or link ? 


pls help :) 


i know c++ little and i know mql less than c++. how can i learn "building ea ?" is there any free guide or forum topic or link ? 

There is the free  Book ,  the Documentation and the CodeBase to take a look at for some bad examples.
and lessons
Also there is my favorite: trial and error

I am like you and have had limited experience with programming before diving into mql.  Trial and error has become my friend in learning how to code in mql.  When you have problems with coding, place your code in the forums and we will help you after you have made an attempt.

Best of luck with your adventure into mql

i am learning slowly :) but it's funny. thanks everybody.