iHigh: When does it measure from?


Does this give you the highest value over the past 24 hours only only the highest value since midnight?  



If today is Wednesday, does this give you the highest value of Tuesday or does it give you the highest value between 24 and 48 hours ago from now?


Bar 0 is the current D1 bar which starts at midnight server time.

Bar 2 is the D1 bar 2 days ago. If Today is Wednesday (0) Tuesday is 1 and Monday is bar 2


So iHigh(0,PERIOD_D1,1) always covers a 24 hour period but iHigh(0,PERIOD_D1,0) DOES NOT cover a 24 hour period (except at midnight), correct? 

If it is noon then iHigh(0,PERIOD_D1,0) would only cover a 12 hour period, correct?


So iHigh(0,PERIOD_D1,1) always covers a 24 hour period but iHigh(0,PERIOD_D1,0) DOES NOT cover a 24 hour period (except at midnight), correct? 

If it is noon then iHigh(0,PERIOD_D1,0) would only cover a 12 hour period, correct?

Bar 0 is the currently forming bar so the period that the D1 bar 0 bar covers is constantly changing.  It never covers a 24 hour period not even at Midnight,  at Midnight it becomes bar 1 and a new bar 0 starts. 

If your Broker shows Sunday D1 bars these bars will not be a 24 hour periods.