Problem with Indicator MA Cross

This code should only place arrows when an ma cross has occurred.
I am testing as I build the code.
the statement >>> if (FastMAValueTF1 > SlowMAValueTF1 && PrevFastMAValueTF1 < PrevSlowMAValueTF1)
should indicate if a cross has occurred...
It doesn't seem to work that way... advice??

//|                                                MTFMACross_v1.mq4 |
//|                        Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                               |
#property copyright "Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
//Buy signal
#property indicator_color1 White
#property indicator_width1 1
#property indicator_style1 STYLE_SOLID
//Sell signal
#property indicator_color2 Yellow
#property indicator_width2 1
#property indicator_style2 STYLE_SOLID

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
extern int TimeFrame1 = 5;
extern int TimeFrame2=15;

extern int FastMA = 5;
extern int SlowMA = 20;

double FastMAValueTF1=0;
double SlowMAValueTF1=0;
double PrevFastMAValueTF1=0;
double PrevSlowMAValueTF1=0;
double StochValueTF1=0;
double PrevStochValueTF1=0;

double FastMAValueTF2=0;
double SlowMAValueTF2=0;
double PrevFastMAValueTF2=0;
double PrevSlowMAValueTF2=0;
double StochValueTF2=0;
double PrevStochValueTF2=0;

double UpArrow[];
double DownArrow[];
datetime TimeFrameRef;
int BarShift=0;

int init()
//---- 2 allocated indicator buffers
//---- drawing parameters setting
//---- 0 value will not be displayed
//---- displaying in DataWindow
//---- initialization done
Print (Symbol());

//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
   int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
    if(Bars<=100) {return(0);}
   int i=Bars-counted_bars-1;

       double LowAddition= 30*Point;
       double HiAddition = iHigh(Symbol(),TimeFrame1,i)+ (30*Point);
         //time frame eval
       //MA points
       //Stoch Points one tf
        //stoc points one tf
       if (FastMAValueTF1 > SlowMAValueTF1 && PrevFastMAValueTF1 < PrevSlowMAValueTF1)
            //moving up
            UpArrow[i]=iLow(Symbol(),TimeFrame1,i)-LowAddition ;
       if (FastMAValueTF1 < SlowMAValueTF1 && PrevFastMAValueTF1 > PrevSlowMAValueTF1)
   int i=Bars-counted_bars-1;
       double LowAddition= 30*Point;
       double HiAddition = iHigh(Symbol(),TimeFrame1,i)+ (30*Point);
         //time frame eval
The i and while(i) are the chart's bar index. HiAddition is bogus if TimeFrame1 != Period(). TimeFrameRef is bogus if TimeFrame1 != Period(), and BarShift will be.
  int i=Bars-counted_bars-1;
       int iTF1 = iBarShift(Symbol(),TimeFrame1,Time[i]),
           iTF2 = iBarShift(Symbol(),TimeFrame2,Time[i]);
       double LowAddition= 30*Point;
       double HiAddition = iHigh(Symbol(),TimeFrame1,iTF1)+ (30*Point);
         //time frame eval
         //Use iTF2 BarShift=iBarShift(Symbol(),TimeFrame2,TimeFrameRef);

The i and while(i) are the chart's bar index. HiAddition is bogus if TimeFrame1 != Period(). TimeFrameRef is bogus if TimeFrame1 != Period(), and BarShift will be.


   What you write makes sense.  Thank you.  My other problems I believe are centered around my lack of understanding of IndicatorCounted, counted_bars etc.  I will research further to see what I can find.

BTW .. I have searced for an understandable explanation for (SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_ARROW,EMPTY);)  What does EMPTY do? If I remove it, I get the same results.

Again thank you for the time you have spent .... it has been very helpful..               


   What you write makes sense.  Thank you.  My other problems I believe are centered around my lack of understanding of IndicatorCounted, counted_bars etc.  I will research further to see what I can find.

BTW .. I have searced for an understandable explanation for (SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_ARROW,EMPTY);)  What does EMPTY do? If I remove it, I get the same results.

Again thank you for the time you have spent .... it has been very helpful..               

Do you read the documentation ?

EMPTY value means that the style will not be changed.

It seems very clear is not it ?
Do you read the documentation ?

It seems very clear is not it ?                                                                                                                                                            



I don't know how I missed that.  I am very sorry to have bothered you.  Thank you very much.