Installation issue with directories...


Hi, and happy day to all :-)

I have installed MT5 in 'D:\MT5' folder, but EA's and other stuff is saved by MT5 automatically in 'C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\336F3D4CEC261837570AB7E90AFB2241\MQL5\Experts' folder.

I also have a MT4 install on my D: drive, and no data is saved on the C: drive in the users folder. Also UAC is OFF, and has been since I installed windows 7, 64 bit.

During installation of MT5 I was asked where to install, why is this being ignored, and how do I change MT5 settings to use c:\MT5 folder for ALL files?

Kind regards


Read this page.


Solution is 'terminal.exe /portable'

