Thank you WHRoeder


Thank you WHRoeder. I added this to my indicator. I was able to get the indicator to display the info at the top left edge, but it does not provide the values for the Highest, Lowest or Range. Do I have to make the indicator an EA to get these values displayed??  Again, thank you so much for your assistance.

Comment ( "Highest = ", HHighest, " Lowest = ", LLowest, " Range = ", (HHighest - LLowest) / Point
, " Bid = ", Bid, " Ask = ", Ask, " Lots = ", Lots ); 

breakout_3.mq4  10 kb
You shouldn't be using Highest() or Lowest(),  these are obsolete functions.

Thank you WHRoeder. I added this to my indicator. I was able to get the indicator to display the info at the top left edge, but it does not provide the values for the Highest, Lowest or Range. Do I have to make the indicator an EA to get these values displayed??  Again, thank you so much for your assistance.

Comment ( "Highest = ", HHighest, " Lowest = ", LLowest, " Range = ", (HHighest - LLowest) / Point
, " Bid = ", Bid, " Ask = ", Ask, " Lots = ", Lots ); 

You don't have variables of HHighest,  LLowest or Lots  in your code  . . .  ?
You don't have variables of HHighest,  LLowest or Lots  in your code  . . .  ?

I'm sorry, your right. I had removed what WHRoeder told me to try because I didn't give me any values for the Highest, Lowest and Range.  I just put it back in the indicator for your review. Thank your sir.
breakout_4.mq4  11 kb

You don't have variables of HHighest, LLowest or Lots in your code . . . ?

I'm sorry, your right. I had removed what WHRoeder told me to try because I didn't give me any values for the Highest, Lowest and Range. I just put it back in the indicator for your review. Thank your sir.

In your code all you do is declare the variables with an initial value of 0,  then you use them in the Comment() . . .   they are not going to be anything other than zero unless you assign the value that you want to them.  What are they meant to represent ? 


In your code all you do is declare the variables with an initial value of 0,  then you use them in the Comment() . . .   they are not going to be anything other than zero unless you assign the value that you want to them.  What are they meant to represent ? 


They are meant to represent the Highest, Lowest
They are meant to represent the Highest & Lowest price of a currency during a specified timeframe while displaying the range in pips, If that helps??


 They are meant to represent the Highest & Lowest price of a currency during a specified timeframe while displaying the range in pips, If that helps??

OK,  but you aren't getting these values and storing them in those variables,  so when you put them on screen sing Comment they will always show 0.0

Should they be the same as these values ?

dPriceHigh = High[Highest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, iBarBegin-iBarEnd, iBarEnd)];
dPriceLow = Low [Lowest (NULL, 0, MODE_LOW, iBarBegin-iBarEnd, iBarEnd)];

OK,  but you aren't getting these values and storing them in those variables,  so when you put them on screen sing Comment they will always show 0.0

Should they be the same as these values ?

OK,  so use those values in your Comment() instead.  dPriceHigh instead of HHighest and dPriceLow instead of LLOwest . . .  and don't forget to get rid of the obsolete function calls,  Highest() and Lowest() and replace them with iHighest() and iLowest().
OK,  so use those values in your Comment() instead.  dPriceHigh instead of HHighest and dPriceLow instead of LLOwest . . .  and don't forget to get rid of the obsolete function calls,  Highest() and Lowest() and replace them with iHighest() and iLowest().

Ok thank you sir, I will give that a try.. I truly appreciate your assistance and sorry for over posting.  I will let you know my results and thank you in advance.