ATR equal zero


Hi Guys,

ATR calculated for a shift bigger than about 8500 bars always results in zero. Do you have any ideas why and how to solve it?

wrote this code to check it:

int start()
 int i;
 while(i < 10000)
  double ATR = iATR(Symbol(),60,10,i);

  if(ATR == 0)
    Alert(Symbol()," ",i,": ATR: ",ATR);

Thank you for any hint!

APeng: ATR calculated for a shift bigger than about 8500 bars always results in zero. Do you have any ideas why and how to solve it?
double ATR = iATR(Symbol(),60,10,i);
  1. You have no PERIOD_H1 history that far back. Print iBars(Symbol(), PERIOD_H1) to verify.
  2. Download history.
  3. Write self documenting code, not hard coded numbers
    double ATR = iATR(Symbol(),PERIOD_H1,10,i);
    double ATR = iATR(NULL,PERIOD_H1,10,i); // current pair, H1.
    double ATR = iATR(NULL,0, 10,i);        // current pair, current TF.

  1. You have no PERIOD_H1 history that far back. Print iBars(Symbol(), PERIOD_H1) to verify.
  2. Download history.
  3. Write self documenting code, not hard coded numbers


You are right - iBars(Symbol(), PERIOD_H1) verifies it. Thought I have enough history as the chart shows candles.

Would you explain the advantage of the shown self documenting (even don´t know what that means?) code?

APeng: Would you explain the advantage of the shown self documenting (even don´t know what that means?) code?
So you will understand the code tomorrow. What does zero mean?
 In ArrayCopySeries(), iHighest() and iLowest() functions. MODE_OPEN
 In timeframes
 current chart
 In OrderSend() OP_BUY
 In iMA, etc.
 current pair or current TF or PRICE_CLOSE or MODE_SMA depending on which argument
 In Drawing styles
 In Colors
 In iMACD(), iRVI() and iStochastic() MODE_MAIN
 In ObjectCreate(), ObjectsDeleteAll() and ObjectType() OBJ_VLINE
 In UninitializeReason() Script returned from start
 From GetLastError()  ERR_NO_ERROR

That's no where near complete.

Do you really expect to remember what each value means. Will you remember 2 months from now?

So you will understand the code tomorrow. What does zero mean?
 In ArrayCopySeries(), iHighest() and iLowest() functions. MODE_OPEN
 In timeframes
 current chart
 In OrderSend() OP_BUY
 In iMA, etc.
 current pair or current TF or PRICE_CLOSE or MODE_SMA depending on which argument
 In Drawing styles
 In Colors
 In iMACD(), iRVI() and iStochastic() MODE_MAIN
 In ObjectCreate(), ObjectsDeleteAll() and ObjectType() OBJ_VLINE
 In UninitializeReason() Script returned from start
 From GetLastError()  ERR_NO_ERROR

That's no where near complete.

Do you really expect to remember what each value means. Will you remember 2 months from now?

that makes sense, thank you :)