position-clearing to be changed as the time goes by


I would like to create the position clearing price to be changed over time with "let's say the easiest" linear clear-position-price =a(time)+ b.

Instead of setting the fixed position price as a clearing it, I want it to be time-variant.

Is it possible? then How? Many thanks in advance ~  


I would like to create the position clearing price to be changed over time with "let's say the easiest" linear clear-position-price =a(time)+ b.

Instead of setting the fixed position price as a clearing it, I want it to be time-variant.

Is it possible? then How? Many thanks in advance ~  

I do not understand anything. Maybe because I am Belgian :d ?
Me neither. Maybe because I speak English? Position? Clearing?
Glad it's not just me then . . .  I assumed it was an exit strategy of some kind,  but not sure enough to make any useful comment.