Getting data from another chart


Apologies in advance if this is a newbie question, but.....

 I want to be able to find the lowest close price of a currency in the last x months. iLowest & iLow do the trick for me. Great.

But now I want to find the same data for another currency pair, one which doesn't have a chart loaded. Is that possible? I've looked at the WindowHandle() method and I can tell if the desired chart is loaded or not. If the chart is not loaded is there either a way to load the chart, or to get iLow data without loading the chart? 


Chart does'nt have to be loaded to use iLowest or iLow. Desired symbol must be showed in Watch Window for data to be update.

Apologies in advance if this is a newbie question, but.....

 I want to be able to find the lowest close price of a currency in the last x months. iLowest & iLow do the trick for me. Great.

But now I want to find the same data for another currency pair, one which doesn't have a chart loaded. Is that possible? I've looked at the WindowHandle() method and I can tell if the desired chart is loaded or not. If the chart is not loaded is there either a way to load the chart, or to get iLow data without loading the chart? 

You don't need to load the chart,  you need to have the data downloaded but you don't need to have the chart open . . . .  just set the Symbol name in your iLowest() and iLow() calls,  so if you want GBPUSD use "GBPUSD"  with any suffix letters your Broker adds. 
Thanks to you both. I had an error in my code which meant I was always getting 0 back as the result. So I thought the chart needed to be present. I've spotted the error and I can now return my Low values from any currency pair. Thanks again.
Always test your return codes. The FIRST time you call one of the iFunctions() you will get zero and GetLastError will return ERR_HISTORY_WILL_UPDATED 4066. You must wait 10 seconds and retry.