

hello ;


i am here provided with a small part of my strategy...

if buy takes profit next will be a buy but if it ends in stop loss ordertype will change from 0 to 1...same case for sell..each time it inccurs a loss ordertype will negate....source:-

#include <stdlib.mqh>
int sl=8,ab,ticket1,ticket2,tp;
double abc;
bool fot=0,pot=0,flag=0;

int start()
  if (flag!=1)

as a sl occurs it should reverse its direction but not happening...anybody with suggestions


hello ;


i am here provided with a small part of my strategy...

if buy takes profit next will be a buy but if it ends in stop loss ordertype will change from 0 to 1...same case for sell..each time it inccurs a loss ordertype will negate....source:-

as a sl occurs it should reverse its direction but not happening...anybody with suggestions

Are you trying to confuse yourself ?


bool   true  or  false 

int      0 or 1


why make your code harder to read by mixing bools with ints ?  OrderSend() requires a int for the order type,  read the documentation and see for yourself. 


Are you trying to confuse yourself ?


bool   true  or  false 

int      0 or 1


why make your code harder to read by mixing bools with ints ?  OrderSend() requires a int for the order type,  read the documentation and see for yourself. 


done that but same results..
//|                                                     tester n.mq4 |
//|                        Copyright 2013, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                               |
#property copyright "Copyright 2013, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#include <stdlib.mqh>
int sl=8,ab,ticket1,ticket2,tp;
double abc;
bool fot=0,pot=0,flag=0;
//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()
//| expert start function                                            |
int start()
  if (flag!=1)

hello ;


i am here provided with a small part of my strategy...

if buy takes profit next will be a buy but if it ends in stop loss ordertype will change from 0 to 1...same case for sell..each time it inccurs a loss ordertype will negate....source:-

as a sl occurs it should reverse its direction but not happening...anybody with suggestions

I would think you meant to check the most recent order in history rather than a currently open trade. If an order has hit TP or SL it will always be in the history. Once selected from history, you could determine profit/loss status by checking OrderProfit() and then updating your flag to trade according to your rules when you open the next trade.

Regards, Paul.


Are you trying to confuse yourself ?

bool   true  or  false 

int      0 or 1

why make your code harder to read by mixing bools with ints ?  OrderSend() requires a int for the order type,  read the documentation and see for yourself. 

done that but same results..

No you haven't,  you still have 


bool fot=0,pot=0,flag=0;

//  and

  if (flag!=1)

 and now you are using  0  and 1 for Order Types,  why not use OP_BUY and OP_SELL ?


I would think you meant to check the most recent order in history rather than a currently open trade. If an order has hit TP or SL it will always be in the history. Once selected from history, you could determine profit/loss status by checking OrderProfit() and then updating your flag to trade according to your rules when you open the next trade.

Regards, Paul.


thats the way i like it..thanku....