combinations by drawing


Dear all,

I try to write a short program, but I have a problem: I have to put a combination of drawings in front (5 out of 37, without putting back)!

Does anyone know a way how I can get all possible combinations (=435897 !!) in only a few steps?

It would be great if anyone with some more knowledge of stochastics could give me a clue!!

Thank you in advance!


total is 435897. So I assume it is true, but you have to verify it!

int total=0;
for(int m=1;m<=37;m++){
   for(int a=1;a<=37;a++){
      for(int t=1;t<=37;t++){
         for(int h=1;h<=37;h++){
            for(int s=1;s<=37;s++){
               //Print(m," ",a," ",t," ",h," ",s);
Print("total: ",total);