Which Trend Indicators you prefer most ?

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Total voters: 21
You for get one more price is the indicator as far as  TA goes .
You for get one more price is the indicator
is price can be taken as a trend indicator at all times ?  especially when intraday trading

If you ever read or hear the saying price is the king . scalp , intra , carry , possition , all lookin at price action . if these is TA related , the other blindbut evvective FA where news is related as trading indicator .

now the qustion , the price always move , and whose still ? learn that a gain with a swami , what he will said whosemoving and what moving . get the wholeidea .

let the price come to you : the price that you wanted , get a reason and observe , think , execute . So every trade is the seed of your action , it is a live style . not market give you a reason . but you your self give your self a reason to executed . dont see it forget a bout it . dont doit by the itch or by the emotion . thats it . you can go and see , buy , experience all the book knowlages of other but at the end your strading stlye will determinate who you are and what you are

ps not all trading stlye that will suit you nor rejected . it is all correct on ly the person at the end who will successful is the user of the strategy .