Candle Percent Indicator Help


G'Day Mates. Everybody well I hope.

Help is appreciated to make this indicator work.

What it should do is divide the current Candle high-low range, example 30, by the sum of the CandlePeriods high-low range. Example, if CandlePeriod = 3, and the sum of the three candles at close = 130 (40+60+30), then the last Candle is divided by the CandleSum of candles for the CandlePeriod. Example, current candle at close = 30 (Candle) / 130 (CandleSum) = 23.07%.

//| Candle Percent.mq4
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 1
#property indicator_color1 Gray
#property indicator_width1 8
//---- input parameters

extern int CandlePeriod = 3;

//---- buffers
double MainBuffer[];

//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int init()
string short_name;
//---- indicator line

//---- name for DataWindow and indicator subwindow label
short_name="Candle Percent ("+CandlePeriod+")";
//| Candle Percent |
int start()
int i,counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();

int limit=Bars-counted_bars-1;
for (i=limit; i+CandlePeriod-1; i>=0; i--) //Sum of the CandlePeriods (high-low). Example, if CandlePeriod = 3, and the sum of the three candles at close = 130 (40+60+30).

double Candle, CandleSum;



MainBuffer[i]= (Candle/CandleSum) *100; // Current candle divided by the CandleSum of candles for the CandlePeriod. Example, current candle at close = 30 / 130 = 23.07%.



  1. For large amounts of code, attach it

  2. What you have
    What you need
    for (i=limit; i+CandlePeriod-1; i>=0; i--) double Candle, CandleSum;
      // Things inside the brace will execute only once
      // because they NOT connected to the for loop.
    A for loop has (init; check; iterate) your's has 4 sections.
    for (i=limit; i>=0; i--){
       double Candle=High[i]-Low[i];
              CandleSum =


  1. For large amounts of code, attach it

  2. What you have
    What you need
    A for loop has (init; check; iterate) your's has 4 sections.

Thanks WHRoeder for the try!

I am getting graphics now but the graphics and stats are wrong.

No matter what CandlePeriod I enter, the value and look is always the same as CandlePeriod=1 for all periods.

@Theo: hey did you finished coding of your indicator?