How to become a Moderator ? - page 2

To add one more earning opportunity to the existing ways of income. And also to learn and teach.
You don't need to be a Moderator to do that, nothing is stopping you,  carry on, please.
Income ? Moderators don't earn money.
Yes, we are here only for the same interest - autotrading
Why is there no female moderator?
Why is there no female moderator?
good question
good question
Who knows ? :-D
Why is there no female moderator?

Not only in moderators, even in mql5 users i have not seen a single female yet.

i wonder why ? 


Not only in moderators, even in mql5 users i have not seen a single female yet.

i wonder why ? 

There were about two or more here i dont know where they went or maybe they got bored and left.