How to re-set initial deposit in strategy tester to $125,000 each time MT4 terminal starts-up


hello, how can i do what i need to do as specified in subject line? reason why i need to do this is sometimes the $125,000 inital deposit setting which i manually set in the "expert properties
" box strangely changes back to $10,000 sometimes when i shut down and re-open the MT4 terminal (maybe this is due to a bug). So each time i start the terminal i need a script that runs and resets the deposit to $125,000, or maybe this can be done by somehow changing the config file? how can i do this? can this be done somehow?

thanks in advance. regards, Rod.

It maybe a UAC issue, Don't install the terminal in \program files* on Vista/Win7
It maybe a UAC issue, Don't install the terminal in \program files* on Vista/Win7

Thanks for your reply. I should have stated that I'm using Windows XP Pro, operating system. I thought that i might be able to change one of the MT4 config files or some other MT4 file so that when the MT4 terminal starts-up the "default setting" or "default amount" for the "initial deposit" amount in the strategy tester is changed from the usual $10,000 to say $125,000 which is what i need. Can this be done? Maybe someone from MetaQuotes can tell me how to do this please? Thanks in advance.
click on expert peropertis and set initial deposit