How to initialize a double to the max value ? double VarMax = ???;



How to initialize a double to the max value ?

double VarMax = ???;




Max value of a double in mql4 is documented as: 1.7 * e308 not sure how you code that though.

Edit: I thought about that some more I think you code it like this ...

double VarMax = 1.7 * 10^308;

double type is 8 bytes in size, if you do this

double VarMax =MathPow (2, 1024) ;
Alert (VarMax);

you will get


- LOL - what am I talking about ?, that's not even the maximum double value !


Ref :

my version doesnt work, if you Print() to get the value of:
double VarMax = 1.7 * 10^308;
it is 540.6 LOL

Man, that delete link is surely handy for me ;D


I think ^ didnt work the way I thought it would ... so instead, this might be it:

   double VarMax = 1.7 * (MathPow(10,308);

Man, that delete link is surely handy for me ;D

yeah i deleted my earlier post too because I realized it wasnt making sense lol I edited the one after that so the thread at least has some continuity :D

yeah i deleted my earlier post because I realized it wasnt making sense lol I edited the one after that so the thread at least has some continuity :D

I just ... accidentally delete mine :D


I think ^ didnt work the way I thought it would ... so instead, this might be it:

 double VarMax = 1.7 * (MathPow(10,308);

I think you're right, ( or to be a little more precisely

double VarMax = 1.7976931348623158 * (MathPow(10,308);

base on MQL5 doc.



Yes it appears the mql4 docs dont give a precise value for the base of that calculation so your version should be the correct max value

Edit: having said that the actual biggest double is a little larger than that because the base value 1.7976931348623158 is rounded down to 16dp



Thanks for the answers.

Dont you think such a constant is missing into the MQL4 language ?


//|                                           TestDoubleValueMax.mq4 |
//|                                       Copyright © 2012, Pierre8r |
//|                                                                  |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2012, Pierre8r"
#property link      ""

//| script program start function                                    |
int start()
   double VarMax = 1.7 * (MathPow(10,308));
   Alert("VarMax  : ", VarMax); 
How to initialize a double to the max value ?
I use this:
#define INF 0x6FFFFFFF // Not quite infinite, Jul 2029, or 1,879,048,191
It's not infinite but larger than you'll find in FX and it can be used in signed computations.