Find the High or Low for a number of bars -- code


This function will find the High or Low of some number of bars. I was pulling my hair out debugging this thing. The High part of the function worked great but the Low part of function always return 0. Then I realized that The variable barApex was not initially defined and so was set to 0. It was hard to find a Low price lower than 0!

-- enjoy.

//| apexFromBars - get high, low, from some number of bars           |

double apexFromBars(int Nbars, string highLow)
   double barApex;                              // declare the return value
   int ix;                                      // declared the index counter   
   for(ix=0;ix<=Nbars-1;ix++)                   // run the loop
      if(highLow == "Low")                      // if looking for a low
      barApex = Ask;                            // start with a price above the Low so Low won't be zero
         if (Low[ix] < barApex)                 // look through the index of bars to find the lowest Low
            barApex = Low[ix];
      if(highLow == "High")                     // if looking for High do the following (like above)
      barApex = Bid;                   		// don't really need this
         if (High[ix] > barApex)                 
            barApex = High[ix];                    
      }						// I have a few un-needed "{}" -- they help me see the structure
   Print("Index:",Nbars,"  highLow:",highLow,"  barApex:",barApex," Bid:",Bid,"  Ask:",Ask); // when testing print everything -- trust nothing!
   return(barApex); // return either the High or Low of the bar history
Why not use iHighest and iLowest?

Yes of course! Use the right tool for the right job.

double apexBars(int Nbars, string highLow)
   double barApex;
   if(highLow == "Low")
      barApex = Low[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,Nbars,0)];

   if(highLow == "High")
      barApex = High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,Nbars,0)];

   Print("Index:",Nbars,"  highLow:",highLow,"  barApex:",barApex);