Good EURUSD analysis site?


I know, this is not about coding, but does anyone know about a site that explains why certain changes have happend?

And i don't mean something like: Today was a very bullish day ... the Euro continued its trend ...

This i can see by my self ... but i want to know WHY significant changes are triggered!

thank you for any suggestions/links,


Because of the bad outcome of the NFP last friday some people are pricing QE3 or something like this

but does anyone know about a site that explains why certain changes have happend?


This i can see by my self ... but i want to know WHY significant changes are triggered!

That is the million dollar question, and you suppose that there is an actual answer. Here is a chart from today of ***JPY.

There was no JPY news and the CAD & USD news had little effect on those currencies. Who knows why they all changed together? People tend to rationalize what happened afterwards by finding something correlated with the price change, but correlation does not require causation. Needless to say I am short ***JPY :-(


I know, this is not about coding, but does anyone know about a site that explains why certain changes have happend?

And i don't mean something like: Today was a very bullish day ... the Euro continued its trend ...

This i can see by my self ... but i want to know WHY significant changes are triggered!

thank you for any suggestions/links,


Good ?, I don't know, tell yourself how good it is.

I don't like it actually but try He has daily/weekly analysis ( look for this week 4 - 8 June 2012). The only reason I suggest this, is because Mr. Morten also use Harmonic Pattern, the reason I don't like it, is because I can do better than him - I mean I can't wait him to post his analysis so I have to analyze the market myself :(

Good luck.



This i can see by my self ... but i want to know WHY significant changes are triggered!

A good free future news timetable ...


Ok i see, i don't ask for prospective analysis, just an explaination of the past behavior ... however like the ***JPY behavior today there MUST be a reason for this which should be identifyable ... everything has a reason that can be figuerd out after things happened unless it's not too complex to understand ...

thx for the links anyways!


Ok i see, i don't ask for prospective analysis, just an explanation of the past behavior ... however like the ***JPY behavior today there MUST be a reason for this which should be identifiable ... everything has a reason that can be figured out after things happened unless it's not too complex to understand ...

Well clearly person or persons unknown have been buying JPY this morning in quantity and the same or different people have been selling it this afternoon. But it is not possible to find out who because there is no central market. Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, for example, are unlikely to say what they or their clients are up to. We know the the Central Bank of Japan likes interventions, but there was no level being hit anywhere to trigger such an event. Investigation become problematic in this area.
Past right? CNN
Past right? CNN
Wall Street Journal.

Ok, so for instance what reason has the EUR to rise in such a tremendous way like today? Todays news was only negative feeds so why the f"§$% did it rise so extremely and constantly?


Ok, so for instance what reason has the EUR to rise in such a tremendous way like today? Todays news was only negative feeds so why the f"§$% did it rise so extremely and constantly?

The EUR was being bought not sold . . .