Trade 15 min from last trade


Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to open next trade at least 15 min from last trade ... Current code I have tried doesn't seem to work... Any help would be greatly apprecited

if ( EnableTrading ){
if ( openTrades < maxOpenOrders && TradeTime < TradeTime+(15*60) ){

.... OrderSend...

TimeTrade = TimeCurrent(); // doesn't work

TimeTrade = iTime(Symbol(),NULL,0); // doesn't work

TimeTrade = Time[0]; // works only is i'm trading on 15 min chart and i set the TradeTime != Time[0] above, but when I switch to lets say 30 min chart, it will open new position immeidately



BTW there is example in TimeCurrent() and TimeLocal() .

Your logic of TradeTime < TradeTime+(15*60) is always true. Ever think of that ?

   Trade_Time = TimeCurrent();
   if (TimeCurrent() >= Trade_Time*15*60)
      int M15 = (TimeCurrent()  - Trade_Time)/60 ;
      Print (TimeToStr(M15|TIME_SECONDS));
      // Trade

I don't compile all of these nor check the logic too



   Trade_Time = GetTickCount();
   if (GetTickCount() >= Trade_Time*15*60*1000)
      double M15 = (GetTickCount() - Trade_Time)/1000/60 ;
      Print (M15);
      // Trade

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to open next trade at least 15 min from last trade ... Current code I have tried doesn't seem to work... Any help would be greatly apprecited

if ( EnableTrading ){
if ( openTrades < maxOpenOrders && TradeTime < TradeTime+(15*60) ){

.... OrderSend...

TimeTrade = TimeCurrent(); // doesn't work

TimeTrade = iTime(Symbol(),NULL,0); // doesn't work

TimeTrade = Time[0]; // works only is i'm trading on 15 min chart and i set the TradeTime != Time[0] above, but when I switch to lets say 30 min chart, it will open new position immeidately


Before posting please read some of the other threads . . . then you would have seen numerous requests like this one:

Please use this to post code . . . it makes it easier to read.


BTW there is example in TimeCurrent() and TimeLocal() .

Your logic of TradeTime < TradeTime+(15*60) is always true. Ever think of that ?

I don't compile all of these nor check the logic too



thanks onewithzachy for qiock response. I did try your Timecurrent() logic but it still opens positions within the same timeframe.. within same second!

datetime TradeTime; 
int tradeTimeWaitINmin = 1; // test for 1 min wait
if ( EnableTrading ){
if ( openTrades < maxOpenOrders && TimeCurrent() >= TradeTime * ( tradeTimeWaitINmin * 60) ){
trade logic...
if trade successfull...)

if ( EnableTrading ){
if ( openTrades < maxOpenOrders && GetTickCount() >= TradeTime * tradeTimeWaitINmin * 60 *1000 
      /* TimeCurrent() >= TradeTime * ( tradeTimeWaitINmin * 60) */ ){
  trade logic ...
  if ( trade successfull... )

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to open next trade at least 15 min from last trade ...

From the last trade being opened or from the last trade being closed ?
From the last trade being opened or from the last trade being closed ?

from last trade being open... so lets say t0 pos 1 opens... at t15 (assuming trend is still holding) open pos 2

you could do an OrderSelect() loop to find the newest open trade and then do

int ibar = iBarShift(NULL,PERIOD_M1,OrderOpenTime());
if(ibar>15)  // ....  it was more than 15 minutes ago

from last trade being open... so lets say t0 pos 1 opens... at t15 (assuming trend is still holding) open pos 2

not sure why my code didn't show up...

if ( EnableTrading ){
if ( openTrades < maxOpenOrders && TradeTime != Time[0] ){
  if ( trade_successful ){
      TradeTime = Time[0];}}}      

Time[0] seem to work as long as I'm on 15 chart, change to another or reload opens another pos
not sure why my code didn't show up...
After you paste your code into the SRC box you have to click Insert, bottom right
if ( EnableTrading ){
if ( openTrades < maxOpenOrders && TradeTime != Time[0] ){
  if ( trade_successful ){
      TradeTime = Time[0];}}}      

This code won't recover from being restarted . . . you need to look at the open orders and order History to find when the last one was opened . . . as SDC said.