Missing ticks


I wrote small script to print out ticks with their respective tick number on a selected period. The code is the following:

int start() {
   Print(StringConcatenate("[",Volume[0],"] ",DoubleToStr(Bid,5)));


And here's is the result:

2012.04.04 23:26:31     testTicks EURUSD,M1: [12] 1.31408
2012.04.04 23:26:31     testTicks EURUSD,M1: [11] 1.31410
2012.04.04 23:26:31     testTicks EURUSD,M1: [10] 1.31412
2012.04.04 23:26:30     testTicks EURUSD,M1: [9] 1.31414
2012.04.04 23:26:13     testTicks EURUSD,M1: [6] 1.31408
2012.04.04 23:26:13     testTicks EURUSD,M1: [5] 1.31410
2012.04.04 23:26:12     testTicks EURUSD,M1: [3] 1.31410
2012.04.04 23:26:12     testTicks EURUSD,M1: [2] 1.31407
2012.04.04 23:26:06     testTicks EURUSD,M1: [1] 1.31405
2012.04.04 23:26:02     testTicks EURUSD,M1: initialized
2012.04.04 23:26:02     testTicks EURUSD,M1: loaded successfully

My question is: why some ticks are missing?? For example tick number #4, #7 and #8.


I wrote small script to print out ticks with their respective tick number on a selected period. The code is the following:

And here's is the result:

My question is: why some ticks are missing?? For example tick number #4, #7 and #8.

Maybe because you didn't receive those...

We will in live trading always miss some ticks

it could be you do to much calculations on every tick and the ticks came faster more volume trading more trading news

or a short time bad connection or.....

Do you think your broker has cheating you then complain to him and ask him.... We are not your broker.


I wrote small script to print out ticks with their respective tick number on a selected period. The code is the following:

And here's is the result:

My question is: why some ticks are missing?? For example tick number #4, #7 and #8.

Can you show the same exerpt from the log file please rather than from the Experts/Journal tab window . . .