Multiple MT4 using same codebase of scripts/EA - page 2


:) 7bit, the link you gave is the same link I gave, I already knew that. And I said ... it only works on personal folder (document, etc) though ..., that mean location re-direct in not available for other than personal folder like file system for example. Maybe. I should said it specific. :).

MetaTrader can only works with files that located in it's subfolder. Audio players - like WMPlayer, WinAmp, or VLC - can play audio files that located everywhere on "user" computer. Put audio files everywhere - system will redirect (or link !) Audio Player to play them - put .ex4s everywhere outside MetaTrader sub folder, no MetaTrader can play and no system will helps. We need to redirect MetaTrader sub folders, we don't need to do that with Audio Player. If those files (audio, .ex4s, or whatever) are located on outside "user" computer - even still on/inside the same computer or even on outside the computer like in networks, then even Audio Player needs redirecting.

Folder/Location redirect, symlinks, file sharing, cloud network ?, the very basic ideas of those are the same - redirecting. Really it's not sophisticated at all when you deeply think about them. Just remember how Audio Player plays those scattered audio files, and how MetaTrader can't plays scattered .ex4s :)

On that location redirect, I once installed MetaTrader on 2 user document folder (got the idea from Chrome), and redirected folder on one document to another, and it works !, I don't like it though - there's minor difficulty - it redirect whole folders !, I uninstalled them and Chrome too, I prefer "normal" location in Program Files.

RaptorUK, thanks for the link, that's more specific.

7bit 2012.04.08 11:11

Link Shell Extension

Windows actually has it. It's called location re-direct, it only works on personal folder (document, etc) though. Open its property and you'll see location tab.

This is something completely different and does only work for some special folders like your documents folder, it does not operate on the filesystem level, it is only messing with explorer's perception of reality. It has nothing to do with symlinks in the file system.

You need symlinks or hardlinks. They are in the kernel since windows 2000 or XP but nowhere accessible in the UI unless you install some special tool from microsoft or from sysinternals or some other 3rd party tool to access this functionality. Hardlinks exist since Windows 2000 and are called "NTFS Junction Points" and Symlinks exist since Windows Vista and are called "Symlinks".

here is the tool you need: (it will give you a few additional menu items in the windows explorer to expose all this hidden functionality to the user: Right-click and "pick" the original experts folder (or drag with right mouse button) and drop it in the other metatrader as a symlink)

  1. On Vista/Win7 just open a command line and use the mklink command. No need for another tool.
  2. onewithzachy I prefer "normal" location in Program Files.

    You may prefer the normal location, but Mq4 was written pre-Vista. The UAC and user files redirection results in a lot a weird problems even when you disable UAC for the terminal. E.g. Live update won't, file write won't, can't update history, looses history or settings on restarts, etc. Don't come back asking about some odd problem. It'll be your head ache. You have been warned.

  1. On Vista/Win7 just open a command line and use the mklink command. No need for another tool.
  2. onewithzachy I prefer "normal" location in Program Files.

    You may prefer the normal location, but Mq4 was written pre-Vista. The UAC and user files redirection results in a lot a weird problems even when you disable UAC for the terminal. E.g. Live update won't, file write won't, can't update history, looses history or settings on restarts, etc. Don't come back asking about some odd problem. It'll be your head ache. You have been warned.

Thank you for your kindest reply, WHRoeder,

1. Yes you are right, you can use command prompt, however if anyone don't like command prompt, and prefer something like right click, drag and drop, no typing command, you can use Link Shell Extension, it's donation ware, which probably very rare people will ever donate.

2. BTW, never I mention in this thread that I use Vista. Thank you for your warning, but you warned wrong person. Perhaps you should update your self, me and my Vista don't have that kind of problem since build 409.

Than kind problem usually for Windows 7 people, please click here to update (or should I say remind) yourself for some example. You should notice there, I don't have file writing problem.


Yes, shortcuts are something different, they are just ordinary files with some instructions in them for explorer telling it what to do if you double-click on them. They only work with explorer and not with the file system itself. They should not be confused with symlinks.

A symlink is a mechanism much deeper inside the filesystem, making it appear as if it were the target file itself for all intents and purposes, not only for explorer but also for all low level file system operations, it will appear and behave to every program as if it were the linked file (or folder) itself.

Unfortunately you need special tools to create and manage them in windows, they are not part of the explorer UI by default. Symlinks have been used and were commonly known in most other operating systems basically since mankind can remember, but for some strange reason Bill Gates decided to throw away 30 years of knowledge and best practices and start completely from scratch with his toy operating system DOS/Windows, so the windows users had to wait almost two generations until most of these useful features once witnessed by our fathers and grandfathers in their great old unixes from the golden era of true powerful computing slowly started to appear in windows too.

thanks 7bit for your input. i implemented this concept based on your suggestion and it is working just great!!! so thank you.