Help me from Indicator To EA

#include <stdlib.mqh>

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_minimum 0.00
#property indicator_maximum 100.00
#property indicator_color1 Lime
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color2 Red
#property indicator_level1 20
#property indicator_level2 80

//| Common External variables |

//| External variables |
extern double Slw = 8;
extern double Pds = 13;
extern double Slwsignal = 9;
extern int Barcount = 2000;

//| Special Convertion Functions |

int LastTradeTime;
double ExtHistoBuffer[];
double ExtHistoBuffer2[];
bool BuyAlert=false, SellAlert=false;

void SetLoopCount(int loops)

void SetIndexValue(int shift, double value)
ExtHistoBuffer[shift] = value;
// Print ("ExtHistoBuffer :",value); // green

void SetIndexValue2(int shift, double value)
ExtHistoBuffer2[shift] = value;
// Print ("ExtHistoBuffer2 :",value); // green

double GetIndexValue(int shift)

double GetIndexValue2(int shift)

//| End |

//| Initialization |

int init()
SetIndexBuffer(0, ExtHistoBuffer);

SetIndexBuffer(1, ExtHistoBuffer2);

int start()
//| Local variables |
double AA = 0;
double bb = 0;
double aa1 = 0;
double cnt1 = 0;
int shift = 0;
double cnt = 0;
double loopbegin = 0;
double loopbegin2 = 0;
double loopbegin3 = 0;
bool first = True;
double prevbars = 0;
double sum = 0;
double smconst = 0;
double smconst1 = 0;
double prev = 0;
double prev1 = 0;
double prev2 = 0;
double prev3 = 0;
double weight = 0;
double linear = 0;
double MAValue = 0;
double MAValue2 = 0;
double mavalue3 = 0;
string MAstring = "";
double MyHigh = 0;
double MyLow = 0;
int counter = 0;
double Price = 0;
double Price1 = 0;
double tmpDevAA = 0;

smconst = 2 / (1+Slw);
smconst1 = 2 / (1+Slwsignal);

loopbegin = loopbegin+1;
for(shift =Barcount;shift >=0 ;shift --)
prev = GetIndexValue2(shift+1);

// Yousky 15/05/2006 - Change to avoid Zero divide exception.
AA = 0;
tmpDevAA = (High[Highest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH,shift+Pds,Pds)] - Low[Lowest(NULL, 0, MODE_LOW,shift+Pds,Pds)]);

if (tmpDevAA != 0)
AA = 100* ((Close[shift] - Low[Lowest(NULL, 0, MODE_LOW,shift+Pds,Pds)]) / tmpDevAA);
// ---

MAValue2 = smconst * (AA-prev) + prev;


loopbegin = loopbegin-1;


loopbegin2 = loopbegin2+1;
for(shift =Barcount-Pds;shift >=0 ;shift --){
MyHigh = -999999;
MyLow = 99999999;
for(counter =shift;counter <=Pds + shift ;counter ++){
Price= GetIndexValue2(counter);
if( Price > MyHigh )
MyHigh = Price;
if( Pds <= 0 )
MyHigh = Price;
if( Price < MyLow )
MyLow = Price;
if( Pds <= 0 )
MyLow = Price;

prev1 = GetIndexValue(shift+1);

// Yousky 15/05/2006 - Change to avoid Zero divide exception.
bb= 0;
if ((MyHigh-MyLow) != 0)
// ---

MAValue = smconst * (bb-prev1) + prev1;


loopbegin2 = loopbegin2-1;

//Print (MAValue); // green

loopbegin3 = loopbegin3+1;
for(shift =Barcount;shift >=0 ;shift --){
mavalue3= smconst1 * (prev3-prev2) +prev2;

loopbegin3 = loopbegin3-1;


if(ExtHistoBuffer[0] > ExtHistoBuffer2[0] && ExtHistoBuffer[0]<20.1 && ExtHistoBuffer2[0] < 20.1 && BuyAlert==False)

Alert ("Doda-Stochastic says Buy ",Symbol()," at ",Close[0]);
BuyAlert = True;
SellAlert = False;

if(ExtHistoBuffer2[0] > ExtHistoBuffer[0] && ExtHistoBuffer[0]>80.1 && ExtHistoBuffer2[0] > 80.1 && SellAlert==False)
// sell signal
Alert ("Doda-Stochastic says Sell ",Symbol()," at ",Close[0]);
BuyAlert = false;
SellAlert = True;



Before posting please read some of the other threads . . . then you would have seen numerous requests like this one:

Please use this to post code . . . it makes it easier to read.


RaptorUK and deVries tq about info to put that code... im newbie...

wanna try searchsome1 help(free) me to create this indi to ea.....or give me some info/software

You don't convert indicators to an EA. Your EA calls iCustom to get the indicator's values.