quantitative indicator analytics vs EA results


Is it possible If I do Quantitative calculations as an indicator and make the indicator create a spread sheet should the data be reflected the same

if the idea was put into an EA. I ask because my EA results are 40% off the spreadsheet results for the same time period 2006- 2012.


Is it possible If I do Quantitative calculations as an indicator and make the indicator create a spread sheet should the data be reflected the same

if the idea was put into an EA. I ask because my EA results are 40% off the spreadsheet results for the same time period 2006- 2012.

Not sure what you are asking, but I have been working on something like what you describe for several months now. I must warn you that this not an easy project and will test your coding skills. What you can do is write a script that will process your closed orders from the strategy tester, calculate stats with them, and output them into a CSV file that can be opened in Excel. You can write macros in Excel to process the data/stats further once you move it into spreadsheets. You would want to call your script from your EA's deinit() function.

Here' a link to a thread that may be what you're after:
