Change My Stop Lost


Hello guys, Could you help me? i will change my stop lost automaticly when i get profit 1 point. it can be? ths guys.


Hello guys, Could you help me? i will change my stop lost automaticly when i get profit 1 point. it can be? ths guys.

Ofcours everytime pricedifference between orderstoploss and pricenow >= Stoploss + 1 point

modify OrderStoploss to OrderStoploss + 1 point ( if buy trade ) or to OrderStoploss - 1 point ( if sell trade )

or pricenow - Stoploss (buy trade) or pricenow + StopLoss (if sell trade)

(1 point on 5 digitbroker can give a lot of tradecontext to busy errors take a bigger trailingstep in that case)

Hello guys, Could you help me? i will change my stop lost automaticly when i get profit 1 point. it can be? ths guys.
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