
I am trading with IBFX and obviously do not understand swaps properly. I thought that a swap could be negative or positive and was basically interest on the trades of currency pair that has been held overnight. However, I get negative swap values if I trade either long or short regardless of whether or not the trade is profitable or not. How can you get positive swaps?
Trade a pair that has +ve MODE_SWAPLONG or MODE_SWAPSHORT
If your trading at 100:1 then your borrowing that extra cash from the broker. If it was 1:1 then the daily swap values would be the interest difference, but since your borrowing money your broker charges you for that service. All a positive swap is, is a difference which is greater than the cost of borrowing. It has nothing to do with if the position is 200 pips in profit or 200 pips in loss, the swap is all about lot sizes and interest rates.
Trade a pair that has +ve MODE_SWAPLONG or MODE_SWAPSHORT

Ok but if I try that on EURUSDm both are negative, is there a list somewhere that shows which pairs have positive swaps?
If your trading at 100:1 then your borrowing that extra cash from the broker. If it was 1:1 then the daily swap values would be the interest difference, but since your borrowing money your broker charges you for that service. All a positive swap is, is a difference which is greater than the cost of borrowing. It has nothing to do with if the position is 200 pips in profit or 200 pips in loss, the swap is all about lot sizes and interest rates.

Ok that answers my question thaks

Ok but if I try that on EURUSDm both are negative, is there a list somewhere that shows which pairs have positive swaps?
Just use MarketInfo
Central Bank Rate
Overnight Rate
aud 4.50% 4.61%
nzd 2.50% 2.78%
eur 1.25% 0.62%
gbp 0.50% 0.58%
cad 1.00% 1.03%
usd 0.25% 0.14%
chf 0.00% 0.03%
jpy 0.10% 0.11%

here r the rates (for now) do the math